Did you see the lightning or hear that thunder?
City Island photographer David Gipson has captured these images and many more amazing photos.
Did you see the lightning or hear that thunder?
City Island photographer David Gipson has captured these images and many more amazing photos.
The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for New York City until 9PM tomorrow. These conditions are extremely dangerous to health.
Avoid strenuous activity and remember that people without air conditioning, like older adults and people with chronic health conditions are most at risk.
Cooling Centers will be open tomorrow. For locations, hours, and more information on avoiding heat illness, visit or call 311.
Contact Phone: 212-639-9675
With houses languishing with fore sale signs on the real estate market, how do you catch a picky potential buyer’s eye? Sabrina Soto shows Natalie Morales how a few decorating tweaks can help.
Watch Pop's youngest daughter Sabrina Soto and my News 12 understudy Natalie Morales.
A second phase of invasive species removal work at Rodman's Neck this week.
Crews will be working in two locations along both sides of City Island Road between the City Island Bridge and the traffic circle. This work is part of the MillionTrees NYC reforestation work that has been taking place all around the park for nearly five years now.
GLOOMY ECONOMIC PREDICTIONS. Experts Offer Pessimistic Financial Forecast.
Sagging sales and poor profits will appear and Eurozene's financial crisis, with the possible expiration of the Bush tax cuts and future cuts in federal spending are all negative indicators.
UN MEET WITH RUSSIA ON SYRIA. Increased Violence Continues.
UN special envoy consults with Russia, who are top Syrian allies, but are opposed to international military intervention. The rising violence has Russia under increased pressure.
MSNBC DISAPPEARS. Longtime Online Alliance Ends.
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Your donation and financial support helps ensure that you can enjoy local, national and global reports on the environment, health, education, sports, and The arts. Your financial support helps ensure and power City Island Images.
City Images is proud to announce walking tours of City Island and surrounding areas.
Our small tour groups will meet @ the last stop on the #6 SUBWAY, Pelham Bay Station. We will then take the #29 Bus to City Island, where we will begin our journey. Depending on the tour and dates, our stops will include Pelham Cemetery, City Island Historical Society/Museum, The Old Schoolhouse, PS 175, Yacht Clubs, Restaurants, Galleries, Shoppes, Orchard Beach, Pelham Bay Park, Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum. We will finish at the end of City Island Avenue and return to Pelham Bay Station #6 SUBWAY.
City Island Images wants to offer another free service. If you, one of your family members, friends, or neighbors are planning to have a sale anytime in the future, please feel free to tell me:
Where: street address and location, When: time and days, Contact information: phone and email.
Anything else: Is it an estate sale? Is it at your house? Do you offer collectibles, or anything special? A fundraiser for a local church, or nonprofit organization?
A new local Farmers Market is officially doing business at top of City Island, just off the CI Bridge.
Organizing partners Paul Prilucik and Bill Wolf are planning to be open on Saturdays and Sundays to sell fruits and vegetables, as well as freshly baked breads, along with other non food items.
718 568 5332
This Week in History, Jul 15 - Jul 21
Jul 15, 1971
Nixon announces visit to communist China. It was during a live television and radio broadcast, President Richard Nixon stuns the nation by announcing that he will visit communist China the following year. The statement marked a dramatic turning point in U.S.-China relations, as well as a major shift in American foreign policy.
Jul 16, 1945