
Multilingual and Multicultural

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Being multi-talented is as much a blessing as being multilingual, and multicultural living in several worlds fascinating communicators.

Multilingual people can usually speak and write in more than one language, whether that's English, Spanish and sign language, or French. Except for the silly example of Klingon, being multilingual is extremely useful — it can help you get jobs and succeed in life because you're able to communicate with more people. Becoming multilingual is a great goal for anyone. It helps you learn about the world and do more than a monolingual person can.

Poorest USA States

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Nationwide, more than thirty-seven million Americans fell below the poverty line with the majority living is Republican states.

Our America?

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POTUS Joe Biden, front and center, participates in a family photo with heads of delegations, including Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, left, Colombian President Iván Duque, second from left, President of Paraguayan President Mario Abdo Benitez, second from right, and Panamanian President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, right,

GOP Watergate 3.0 +

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American key figures who were involved in the Watergate news developments provide a stinging critique of the current GOP.

I was a curious young student during The Watergate investigation and hearings. This major political news story involving a disgraced Republican President named Richard Tricky Dick Nixon in 1974 was a thirty-year prelude to the January GOP six insurrection. The takeaway is to never again give another criminal the keys to the Whitehouse.

MLK in Albany

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History points to an unsuccessful protest in Albany, Georgia that actually helped #MLK Martin Luther King Jr. become a national leader.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a rising civil rights figure when he came to Albany, Georgia, in December 1961, keen to provide a shot in the arm to a desegregation movement that was gathering new steam.

Scrooge aka Murdoch

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How well does FOX Rupert Murdoch compare to Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist of Charles Dickens' 1843 A Christmas Carol?

At the beginning of the novella, Scrooge is cold-hearted miserable. The tale of his redemption by three spirits has become a defining tale of the Christmas holiday in the English-speaking world. Scrooge is a mean and miserly person.

Health, Happiness, Family and Friends

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The way I see it, there are at least eight types of friendship that human beings may wish to classify, understand and characterize.

There’s no doubt that social connections are important to our overall health, happiness and quality of life. There can be eight or many more, depending on our personal point of view. However it is up to us to keep a healthy lifestyle and stay happy.

Living For Democracy?

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Last night, I was channel surfing and stopped to watch #MSNBC’s @Lawrence on cable TV. O’Donnell, whom I had met years earlier when Lawrence was a guest on The McLaughlin Group program I was co-producing. On last night's show  Lawrence was interviewing Aaron Sorkin and Sasha Baron Cohen about their award-winning film. 

American Revolution

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This is the American Republic. We're living in the land of the free and home of the brave. The bastion of liberty. In God We Trust. We have to learn t live together.

The phrase all men are created equal has to be one of the best known in the world. Indeed, it’s used so often that it has become a cliché. The phrase is from Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence written in 1776. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Declaration_of_Independence

Republicans Slipping

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The Republican Party also referred to as the Grand Old Party, is one of the two major political parties in the United States of America. The other is its historic rival, the Democratic Party. The RNC used to say they made a commitment to attract new voters and revitalize the image of the Republican Party. So what happened? The TRUMP Dump.