Public Health


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Consumers have a vast amount of information available to them at their fingertips by simply going online and doing some basic research. However, the time to choose the best hospital for you and your family is when you are healthy. When comparing hospitals, published reports can vary widely.

In an effort to help consumers gauge a hospital’s performance, there are multiple groups, nonprofit organizations and private companies offering ratings and comparisons.

Pew Project: The News Media - 2013

Signs of the shrinking reporting power are documented throughout this year’s report. Estimates for newspaper newsroom cutbacks in 2012 put the industry down 30% since 2000 and below 40,000 full-time professional employees for the first time since 1978. In local TV, our special content report reveals, sports, weather and traffic now account on average for 40% of the content produced on the newscasts studied while story lengths shrink. On CNN, the cable channel that has branded itself around deep reporting, produced story packages were cut nearly in half from 2007 to 2012.



Reporting Tool: Verification Junkie from Josh Stearns centralizes several social media verification tools in one place. Great for reporting and fact-checking on deadline.

Social Media Shortcuts: Check out this great list of social media keyboard shortcuts that will save time on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Public Safety: If you are covering or back-grounding the Asiana Airlines crash in San Francisco, use the aviation resources on the Toolbox's Public Safety page.

Copy Editing: The Think Like an Editor blog explores timely topics in editing, such as the recent prank on KTVU with the Asiana Airlines crash. It includes videos with tips and discussion topics and all kinds of resources for editors.

Journalism Tools: Not wild about the name, but the Freakin Journalism Tools Tumblr has a great collection of resources and instructional videos for mobile, social media, audio, video and more.

Instagram Search: You can find millions of photos on Instagram, but how? Gramfeed Instagram Search lets you search by people, hashtag, location, etc.

Code for Journalists: Life and Code features dozens of great code for journalists tutorials from Lisa Williams.

Severe Weather: Use resources on the Toolbox's Weather page when writing about the severe storms.

Mobile Journalism: Mobile Strategies for Community News and Information Resources is a great set of links, resources and tools from Amy Gahran and the Knight Digital Media Center. Another helpful tool for mobile journalists is Root Metrics, which allows you to search by ZIP code and find cell and data performance in your area. Great for studying dead zones and how your audience may (or may not) be accessing your content.

Public Records: Five Great Tools for Mining Public Records is a must-bookmark for quick reference to some key sites, including and FOIAonline. Also, FOIA Shaming is a fantastic Tumblr blog that shines a spotlight on universities that stonewall FOIA requests. Share it on social media. and here area a couple of tools that can help with requesting public records and managing those requests: The FOIA Machine allows you to automate your FOIA requests. MuckRock is an open government tool powered by state and federal Freedom of Information laws and a Sunlight Foundation grant.

Fact-Checking Social Media: Josh Stearns has built this great resource called Verifying Social Media Content that offers links, case studies and best practices for using information from social media. A must-bookmark.

Boston Marathon Bombings: Harvard University's JournoResource site has some great resources for reporters covering the attack.

State of the News Media: the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism released its The State of the News Media 2013 study. Not pretty for TV news and newspapers. And the web still isn't generating enough revenue.

Medical/Health: is a database of federal inspections of hospitals in the U.S. See how the ones in your area stack up.

Photojournalism: The Photo Blog Stop is full of great resources and tips. Good tutorials on Photoshop and photography, too.

Ethics: SPJ has updated its ethics case studies page with several new examples. Check them out.

Covering Guns: Al Tompkins has built Covering Guns, a non-partisan guide for journalists covering the complex issues surrounding gun violence, gun control, etc. It's full of links, resources, story examples and more. A must-bookmark.

Infographics: Daily Tekk has more than 100 Incredible Infographic Tools and Resources. Great one-stop shopping for infographic and data visualization resources.

Covering Congress: Find resources to track bills, voting records and more on the Federal Government page.

Teaching Journalism: From ethics to apps, the Newseum's Digital Classroom Videos cover the basics of journalism. They're great for supplementing lectures and giving students extra depth or help with a specific area of interest. SPJ's eCampus training videos also can be helpful in the classroom. You need to be a member and use your online password to access them. Topics include smartphones, FOIAs, video and social media techniques. More: 22 Apps and Tools Every College Journalism Student Should Know About and the 40 Best Blogs for College Journalists.

Teaching Copy Editing: A couple of handy tools for us "word nerds": Chicago Tribune Grammar Cheat Sheet and SPJ Pinterest: Grammar Goofs. I like to use practical examples from Grammar Goofs to lighten up editing class lectures. I also offer extra credit for students who find their own grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, and then share them with the class. More resources: Copy Editing.

Design: A great tool for designers and developers: MarkupWandA tool that takes Photoshop .psd files and converts them to embeddable to HTML or CSS code. A huge time-saver.

Religion: The Religion Newswriters Association has compiled a comprehensive Religion Stylebook, which serves as an independent supplement to The Associated Press Stylebook.

Census Resources: The U.S. Census Quick Facts page helps you find current census information at the state or county level by using a pulldown menu or image map. The what's new tab at the top of the page shows all of the new data entered at the local levels.

Mobile Journalism: The Mobile Apps Gallery lists government-created mobile apps on hundreds of topics and services, ranging from weather to public works.

Gas Prices: Mapquest has a page to track gas prices in your area. Use resources in the Toolbox's Business Resources section to track the housing market , gas prices, food costs and other economic issues.

Social Trends: Pew Social Trends is full of social demographics and stats. It's a great resource for localizing these national/global trends in your community, as it has stats down to the local level.

College Media: The J-School Legal blog offers resources for journalism schools that are news providers. A must-bookmark for college editors and advisers.

Journalism Jobs: JournaJobs provides listings from all over Europe and a few in the U.S. Use News Nerd Jobs to sort through a great list of news developer jobs. is tailored to college students looking for multimedia jobs and internships. Find more resources on the Journalism Jobs page.

Federal Government: Here's a helpful site: Directory of All Congressional Twitter Handles. Mobile Apps is a handy list of which government agencies have mobile apps and mobile Web sites. Great quick-reference.

Broadcasting: Find the correct pronunciations of newsmaker names at The Name Engine. Another great resource is the EarIt Demo, which allows you to roll over a name or word and get the correct pronunciation.

Politics: The National Institute on Money in State Politics, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization revealing the influence of campaign money on state-level elections and public policy in all 50 states, has a comprehensive and verifiable campaign-finance database available for free on its site. Poligraft is a Sunlight Foundation site that adds political context to news stories by scanning news articles you enter for the names of donors, corporations, lobbyists and politicians and shows how they are connected by contributions.

Writing With Numbers: Weird Converter is great for analyzing numbers and coming up with odd facts and figures for stories. It's great for comparing sizes, weights and gives the reader some perspective. Find more resources in the Toolbox's Writing With Numbers section.

Covering People With Disabilities: You'll find hundreds of resources on the Disabilities page.

Teaching Tools: Many of you who use this site train your newsrooms and classrooms how to do online research: College Media, High School Journalism, Design, Broadcast Journalism, Ethics, Writing, Reporting Tools, Writing with Numbers, Photojournalism and Copy Editing.

Reporting Tools: Reporting Tools, Phone/E-Mail/Maps Directories, Search Engines, Expert Sources, Investigative, Form 990s, Public Records, Ethics, Check Domain Names, General Research and Writing With Numbers.

Editing and Fact-Checking Resources: The Toolbox's Copy Editing page has several new resources. The American Copy Editors Society has assembled a collection of 49 online quizzes about everything from AP Style and usage to Iraq and the Middle East. Related Resources: Copy Editing, General Research, History.

Student Resources: College and high school students will find many helpful Toolbox resources for researching papers, reporting and more: Reporting Tools, Public Records, History, Ethics and Copy Editing.



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City Island Images is offering Nicotine Transdermal System Patches for free. Contact

"Tips from Former Smokers," a series of ads was launched today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The ads, funded by the Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund, feature compelling stories of former smokers living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities. Beginning Monday, ads will run for at least 12 weeks on television, radio, and billboards, online, and in theaters, magazines, and newspapers nationwide.


Event: Introduction to Tumblr
When: April 3, 2013, 9:30 – 11:00am
Where: National Press Club Journalism Institute, Washington D.C., Bloomberg Room
If you've been wondering just what Tumblr is and why everyone seems have one but you, sign up for this session. Tumblr is a blogging platform that lets you quickly and easily posts everything from photos, to text to video. Come find out more about its applications and create your very own Tumblr site. Registration is free for NPC members; $15 for non-members. Registration is required at



Submitted by Admin on

On Saturday, April 6, at Fordham University, Bronx Borough President's Office will host a first ever Bronx Health & Wellness Summit. They have worked hard to put together a comprehensive agenda, one that we feel offers something for everyone.

At the summit, you can learn how your health coverage will change with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, how to effectively continue medical care for your adolescents, how mental health issues are handled to ensure public safety or what classes college students should take to pursue a career in healthcare, the borough's number one employer.

The main goal of this summit is to begin to set your work plan for the coming years, a work plan that will reverse your health indicators and ultimately lead to a better overall quality of life for those that live, work and raise their families in the Bronx. The agenda for the summit has been finalized, so please take a few minutes to register for our Health & Wellness Summit if you haven't already, and sign up for your preferred breakout sessions.


Submitted by Admin on

Bronx Borough President is urging concerned individuals from the Bronx and across the City to register for his upcoming Health & Wellness Summit, to be held at Fordham University’s Rose Hill Campus on Saturday, April 6, 2013, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

“We see this event as a major first step towards a comprehensive health and wellness agenda for not just the Bronx but the entire City, and I urge everyone with an interest in these important topics to sign up for a day of thought-provoking discussion on the health of our City,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.


Seven programs are being honored at the Fifth Annual Television Academy Honors today by multiple Emmy® Award-winning actress Dana Delany (Body of Proof), who will once again host the Honors presentation in May. The 2012 honorees are Dr. Oz, Five, Harry’s Law “Head Games,” Hot Coffee, Men of a Certain Age “Let the Sunshine In,” Rescue Me “344” and Women, War & Peace.


Dog Walkers ‘Pooper Scooper’ Law Enforcement

Submitted by ub on

This one is a disgusting bit of business, but it needs to be addressed, as it is becoming a curb hazard, with frustrations of dog leavings on the rise.

On our sidewalks, inside our parks, at curbs and in plain sight, dog poo is being left in increasing amounts, lying in wait for an unlucky individual to step on.

Most folks we have spoken with say they're tired of this crap. They report finding these droppings on our streets and being forced to step around this nasty stuff. Most agree - If you cant pick up after your own pet, then you should not have a pet.


Submitted by ub on

There is a notion that to stay fit and healthy we need to consume good food and content.

This phrase has come to us via quite a tortuous route. Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote, in Physiologie du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastronomie Transcendante, 1826: Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.

In an essay entitled Concerning Spiritualism and Materialism, 1863/4, Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach wrote: 'man is what he eats'.