CUBA Seguro Qué Si

Submitted by ub on

The Cuban people have been oppressed for six decades by the totalitarian Castro regime and will say Basta and Libertad.

Fidel Castro died five years ago this week, but his menacing shadow and his legacy of oppressing the Cuban people continues.

Those national planned mass protest is demanding their freedom and an end to the communist dictatorship in the Caribbean island.

To follow the developments and do your part to support them and help spread the word to the world. #15NCuba #SOSCuba #15N


Submitted by ub on

200 countries copout at COP26 by agreeing to 'Phase Down' rather than 'Phase Out' coal power, bowing to China and India.

India wanted the revision to the language on coal to reflect the 'national circumstances of emerging economies. China, which uses coal-fired power plants to fuel its explosive economic growth, consumes half the world's coal, while India is in second place accounting for 11 percent of global coal use. 


Submitted by ub on

The effectiveness of an advertiser boycott varies. Does it impact ratings? How many marketers are pulling the ads dollars lost? 

In this era of political polarization, media platforms have oftentimes taken the stance they will not be bullied by watchdog groups. Furthermore, for too many loyal viewers, the comments made are not deemed as incendiary. 

Advertisers on FOX

The Longest Lunar Eclipse

Submitted by ub on

The longest Lunar Eclipse of the century is coming soon, so don't miss it because it may not return for another hundred years.

OK - Listen up, stargazers and night owls. it’s time to prepare for an exciting week as the longest lunar eclipse of the century, and this year’s Leonids meteor shower.


Submitted by ub on

Dick Cheney went after Sad-am Hussein and forced him underground. Will daughter Liz do the same thing to Donald J Trump?

Lock Them Up Now

Submitted by ub on

Trump Republican confidant Steve Bannon has reportedly been indicted for refusing a subpoena and a warrant issued for his arrest.

Bannon is a political strategist, and former investment banker, who served as the Trump White House during the first seven months of Trump's term. However House Democrats say he doesn't 'understand executive privilege' and will pay dearly.

Happy Veterans Day

Submitted by ub on

Besides my late older brother AJSIII who went to Vietnam for the US Army, I wish to pay tribute to all veterans who have served.

This is a special celebration. It is the first Veterans Day since 2000 that the USA is not involved in a war, thanks to POTUS.

Out Prolific Liars

Submitted by ub on

The truth is finally catching up with liars who are exposed sooner or later regardless of the number of lies they have decided to spread.

Do you give compliments that aren’t genuine? 
Have you said you’re well when you were exhausted? 
Do you tell folks you are busy to avoid having to talk to or e with them?

Then you may not be a dangerous or prolific liar. As someone who has devoted a career to asking questions, I can smell a prolific liar. Liars are cowards

Health, Happiness, Family and Friends

Submitted by ub on

The way I see it, there are at least eight types of friendship that human beings may wish to classify, understand and characterize.

There’s no doubt that social connections are important to our overall health, happiness and quality of life. There can be eight or many more, depending on our personal point of view. However it is up to us to keep a healthy lifestyle and stay happy.

Nicaragua Selection

Submitted by ub on

Nicaragua’s Dictator Daniel Ortega declares victory after jailing his major opponents before the highly contested re-election #CamPain.

When I was a young reporter I interviewed the former Nicaragua strong-man Anastasia Somoza a few times. The former West Point student warned me about Sandinista leader Ortega, but I thought he was exaggerating. 

The Nicaragua Electoral Council announced that, with 49 percent of the votes counted, President Daniel Ortega has secured nearly 75 percent of the votes and would be elected for a fourth consecutive term.