Submitted by ub on

The Magic of a SMILE ♫ ;-) It really and truly improves our face value. But smiling alone will not make the suffering disappear.

However, a special facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward in which the individual expresses amusement, pleasure, and total, unequivocal approval. It is a pleased, kind, and an amused expression, typically when the corners of the mouth turned up and teeth exposed may make the pain easier to bear.


Submitted by ub on

An accurate count of AMERICA's population ensures government leaders at every level invest in your needs. Census 2020 response rates will determine government decisions about the USA for the next 10 years, including how much money states receive out of billions of dollars in federal funding for healthcare, schools, and housing, among other resources.

USA Won't Be Fooled Again

Submitted by ub on

American voters were unfortunately fooled before, but after thousands of lives are lost, they may never be fooled again. The US Military may provide 100K body bags for potential civilian use as deaths could soar in the coming weeks from the coronavirus pandemic. USA Citizens need Competence - Empathy - Truth - Leadership in Government.


Submitted by ub on

Like other media platforms that are operating in uncharted waters due to COVID-19 while continuing to create content, we see a renewed interest in the local news that has never been more important. While we work through these current challenges, we have identified the need for exceptionally talented individuals who are willing to tackle new challenges and are available for new opportunities. If you enjoy crafting compelling content and can produce in different languages, we want to hear from you.

Why We Die

Submitted by ub on

Anyone who says the situation is under control is in a real state of denial. There is no one immune from this global virus Pandemic.

Perhaps the real reason why we die is just that we have been listening to the wrong guy who keeps spewing lie after lie.

Make sure you follow reliable expert advice, not so-called leaders, or any self-described stable genius who spread disinformation.

“I haven’t heard about testing being a problem” tells American voters everything we need to know about this dangerous situation.

Trump Political Rollercoaster

Submitted by ub on

Mission Not Accomplished - According to recent statistics, there are at least 143,055 positive cases of COVID-19 and 2,513 deaths in the USA. However, for months President Trump has made a series of conflicting comments concerning the Coronavirus pandemic and he has yet to reveal where he got his real facts. He has also consistently attacked American Democrats in blue states.

A Day of Infamy

Submitted by ub on

The biggest lesson of a pandemic is that our leadership needs to tell the truth, no matter how hard it is for the public to listen and learn.

1/20/2020 A day that will live in infamy once a history of the coronavirus pandemic is written. On that infamous day, a Washington state male who returned from a stay with his family in Wuhan in China was the first one in the USA to be diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Wash Up Nicely

Submitted by ub on

A bar of soap can not only clean up but the fragrance will help us smell well and nicely. There are may different soaps, Ivory has a neutral odors and there are others that will help us smell like ROSES.

Yes, roses are red, violets are blue, City Images feels lucky to have a constant visitor like you. Roses Are Red rhymes can refer to a specific poem and it is most commonly used as a lovee message. When someone says you are a rose, or you smell like a rose, it is certainly a compliment.

Our Hellish Planet

Submitted by ub on

Scientists have been warning of hell on Earth and a dire risk of becoming a hothouse, but ignorant denial will never save humanity.

The greatest cities on this planet are turning into virtual ghost towns while men, women, and children are getting sick and too many are dying. No, this is not about finger-pointing, or attacking others. This is not science fiction, its a scientific tragedy that may continue until humanity pulls itself together by working towards the shared goal for survival.