Prey On The US

Submitted by ub on

Why does POTUS Prey On The US? He had an opportunity to pray for healing America but allowed federal public safety officers to fire tear gas on peaceful protesters. Why the interest so that he could hold a photo opportunity In front of the church, not reading The Holy Bible but using it as a prop? No religious person American allows peaceful protestors to be shot with tear gas so he may grandstand in front of this church holding The Holy Bible.

Institutional Systemic Racism

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#CityImages stands with the Black community, our hearts aching for our nation which is divided by racism, injustice, arrogance, and cruelty. During these difficult times, we wish to take a moment to reaffirm our mission to fight ignorance, support all of communities, and stand against every form of dehumanization. WeThe People are angry, hurt, and fed up with being treated like second-class citizens,

WeThePeople Need Leadership

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Once upon a time, America was a Beacon Of Liberty and then a group of gullible voters placed the world's top Democracy in danger.

On the day of the Declaration of Independence was signed, the founders sealed an enduring document representing the triumph of liberty over tyranny. What on earth is going on here and now? Whatever happened to the principle that all of us of every race, gender, and creed are created equal?

Powerless Trump, Putin and Bolsonaro

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(CNN) The coronavirus pandemic could have been a moment of glory for the world's populist leaders. This is a period of heightened fear and anxiety — emotions that typically allow them to thrive.

Much to their frustration, the macho leaders of these countries are finding the virus immune to their playbooks. Intimidation, fear-mongering and propaganda just aren't working. Being guided by science, communicating transparently and long-term planning are proving the sharper tools.

Multiverse Weekend

Submitted by ub on

Anger boiled over approximately 75 US cities, with some protesters smashing windows, setting vehicles on fire and clashing with cops.

A parallel universe, also known as a parallel dimension, alternate universe, or alternate reality, is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one's own. The sum of all potential parallel universes that constitute reality is often called a “multiverse"

Millions May Die

Submitted by ub on

Hey, America... Trump's massive COVI19 Pandemic failures continue. they are not in the past, and the worse is yet to come.

The NYC density made it the deadliest #COVID19 hot spot on the planet. Regularly commuting to, or living in this Megatropolis.

While some ignore it, the Pandemic solution is Testing!

Do the math and listen to the experts. We did and here are the alarming facts. According to the data. The Real Key - TESTING.

Digital 2020 Democracy

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It becomes increasingly difficult to fact check anyone who habitually lies and can't be trusted with anything they, write say, or do. Therefore, Twitter has decided it will no longer allow any posting of unsubstantiated information without any context.


Submitted by ub on

What killed 100k Americans wasn't just the #COVID!9 - STOP THE MADNESS

Mr. President and The GOP, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


TRUMP, on why he considers hydroxychloroquine safe for the treatment of COVID-19: “Frankly, I’ve heard tremendous reports. Many people think it saved their lives.” — interview with Attkisson.

MinneaPolice Brutality

Submitted by ub on

Although the names, circumstances, and locations may change, the color is always black. As public protests continue to grow in Minneapolis and elsewhere in the wake of the death of George Floyd there are increasing calls for a federal investigation and criminal charges against all four police officers implicated in the violent arrest that led to Floyd’s death. Anger is justified, but riots and looting are never acceptable.

A Folly of Failures

Submitted by ub on

History will record a folly of failures that could have prevented the global pandemic which has killed so many innocent humans. The lack of leadership and sincerity for five dangerous days in PRC followed by five long and devastating weeks in the USA.

While I was working for the second wave of the late and great Reagan Bush Republican administration, there was a phrase that President Ronald Regan subscribed to, but Trump never did because he has trusted the Communists way too much.