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Regardless of the health insurance company our employer chooses or the one we select for ourselves, they are for profit organizations.

According to published reports, an overwhelming number of adults say that denials for health care coverage by insurance companies, or the profits made by health insurance companies, also bear at least “a moderate amount” of responsibility for public anger. 


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As I look out my widow and stare at the grey days of winter, I continue to appreciate the four seasons.

Here’s how to wish for positive outcomes throughout the year:

  • Winter: Reconnect with a mentor or friend. Schedule catch-up sessions.

  • Spring: Attend a few free seminars or adult education classes.

  • Summer: Collaborate with someone who shares my goals.

  • Fall: Celebrate progress with those who’ve supported me.


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Though Thomas Alva Edison claimed he never slept more than four hours a night, he was extremely fond of naps.

However, did anyone tell him that whenever and wherever we decide take a nap, we should always put it back.

Edison believed short naps boosted creativity. He was fond of 💤 on the grass in the company of many, regardless of their status. They included businessman Harvey S. Firestone and the 29th POTUS Warren G. Harding.


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Everyone has heard that it’s vital to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night, a recommendation repeated so often it has become gospel. Get anything less, and you are more likely to suffer from poor health in the short and long term—memory problems, metabolic issues, depression, dementia, heart disease, a weakened immune system.

But in recent years, scientists have discovered a rare breed who consistently get little shut-eye and are no worse for wear.


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How did we allow this to happen to the people on earth? Has Humanity lost our skills along the way?

Ancient Greek mosaics dating to the 2nd century BC, discovered in Zeugma, Turkey, showcase remarkable artistry and provide a glimpse into the cultural richness of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Their legacy is plain to see through the wealth of preserved historic sites dotted around Greece. From the iconic to the every day, there is an abundance of ruins in Greece dating back to ancient times, showcasing the natural beauty and landscape of the country.


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The largest winning jackpot in Mega Millions history was $1.602 billion, for the August 8, 2023 drawing, in which a single winning jackpot ticket was sold in Florida This time it was California.

2024 - 2025

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As we approach the 2025 news year, the black moon offers a special new phase, and brings a wave of fresh and exciting beginnings our way.


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“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov