Summertime Blues

Submitted by ub on

Summertime and the living ain’t easy.. NRA sponsored firearms keep causing an alarming number of innocent Americans to die.

The start of summer officially took place this morning at 5:13 am. Keep in mind this correlates to the start of "astronomical summer". See the infographic for more details. #nycwx #nywx #njwx #ctwx #liwx

Classical Gas

Submitted by ub on

We went searching for the least expensive gas available in the New York City area and paid $4.79 or $76.77 at BJ's to fill up two cars.

If you are an American consumer who paid a fortune at the pump this weekend, please know that Democrats recently voted to crack down on gas gouging and every single republican voted no.

Eagles and Ravens

Submitted by ub on

The Bald Eagle dwarfs most other raptors, including the Turkey Vulture and Red-tailed Hawk. It has a heavy body, large head, and long, hooked bill. Eagle is the common name for many large birds of prey of the family Accipitridae. Eagles belong to several groups of genera, some of which are closely related. Most of the 60 species of eagle are from Eurasia and Africa

Happy Father’s Day

Submitted by ub on

Happy Father’s Day to all POTUS who diligently worked to keep themselves physically fit while serving in The White House.

Happy Fathers Day Weekend

Submitted by ub on

Eyewitnesses who saw the kids take their father out to enjoy a delicious Father's Day meal, they say it happened this way.

Dad was very old and, a little weak. While eating, food occasionally fell on his shirt and pants. The other guests watched the old man with their faces contorted in disgust, but the children remained calm.

After they finished eating, they quietly helped DAD and took him to the bathroom. They cleaned food scraps from his crumpled face and attempted to wash stains on his clothes. They combed his gray hair and finally put on his glasses.

Watergate + 50

Submitted by ub on

On June 17 1972 a break-in at Democratic headquarters led by Republican crook Richard Nixon ended with his resignation on 8/5/74.

It was nearly 50 years ago this day, that Tricky Dick showed the GOP to prey on Democracy and the rule of law our founding fathers had meticulously crafted to avoid the circumstances we face today from the Republican Party and the dirty trick they continue to play.

Electric Light Orchestra

Submitted by ub on

Electric Light Orchestra is one of those bands which have been around for over 50 years but none gives them enough credit. 

The Electric Light Orchestra is an English rock band formed in Birmingham in 1970 by songwriters and multi-instrumentalists Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood with drummer Bev Bevan. Their music is characterized by a fusion of pop, classical arrangements, and futuristic iconography.

We Stopped The Steal

Submitted by ub on

We The People of The United States of America, and Vice President Mike Pence were able to stop Trump’s stealing our 2020 election.

The Bipartisan select committee investigating the Capitol insurrection detailed how Trump tried to pressure his vice president to join in his failed attempt to overturn the presidential election. Thanks to Mike Pence's refusal, the VP put his life at risk as rioters called for his hanging on January 6, 2021.


Submitted by ub on

What appears to be driving U.S. gas prices is the pressure investors are putting on oil companies, whose officers answer to their investors. 

Limited production creates higher prices that are driving record profits. In a March 2022 survey of 141 U.S. oil producers asking them why they were holding back production, 59% said they were under investor pressure. 

Billionaire Stampede

Submitted by ub on

Why are all the super-rich people quickly making plans or just outright leaving these two Communist countries on the fast track?

Russia – Hemorrhaging millionaires

Russia is reportedly expecting to feel a net loss of around 15,000 high-net-worth individuals in 2022, a massive 15 percent of its total millionaire population. Affluent individuals have been emigrating from Russia in steadily rising numbers every year over the past decade, an early warning sign of the current problems the country is facing.