French Fight

Submitted by ub on

Putin puppet Marine Le Pen and French President Emanuel Macron face off once again in their final presidential election.

Unlikely to win the presidential election but within a potential surprise, Marine Le Pen is the new French normal. If Emmanuel Macron is victorious he faces a fractured nation, where his support is French fried.

Earth Days 2022

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City Images will not celebrate this Earth Day, but we will meditate and reflect on what 🌏  earthlings have done to our planet.

This #EarthDay 🌎 we invite you to read- We think that it is extremely important to get recharged and inspired. Do you agree that the beauty of our planet is truly a unique blessing?

Return To Colonialism?

Submitted by ub on

The United States Supreme Court has issued.a ruling

Mickey Has No Clothes

Submitted by ub on

The Mouse has been stripped naked. Florida revokes Disney World’s special status, for criticism of the “Don’t Say Gay” law.

Disney's special district pays for its own services, so removing this status means Florida residents will see a higher tax bill. The district also has over $1 billion in debt, which the state would be on the hook for. Florida will go broke thanks to #MoRon.


Submitted by ub on

Do Dark #MAGA and Darker #MOSCOW movements pose the same clear and present dangers to global Democracy in the free world? 

Some #Republican and #Russian insiders share a common fear that #Putin and #Trump could be near to turning towards an increased path of destruction. 

4/20 DAY

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Today is 4/20 and the day stoners, everywhere on earth celebrate their favorite herb. They call it Mary Jane or Maria Juana.

It was nearly twenty years ago this day that it was considered an evil weed, but over time and in the past decade, nearly 20 states across the USA plus the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use.

4/20 is a date that both marijuana smokers and non-smokers recognize as a national holiday for cannabis culture. Yet few actually know how the date got chosen.

Say No To Rubio

Submitted by ub on

A former Speaker of the Florida House, Republican Marco Rubio boasted a son-of-immigrants story that rivaled GOP Senator Ted Cruz.

US Senator Rubio, FL, like Cruz, TX commanded a great deal of respect from conservative activists. But that was then and this is now. The Hispanic population of these two states alone is: Texas at 9.794.0003 Florida at 4.354.000

Rubio is up for re-election and appears to be getting desperate with his campaign emails.

Pix To Please

Submitted by ub on

Check out these hilarious moments spotted of people enjoying the,selves at several different locations in NYC and elsewhere.

Most folks, me, myself, and I included always enjoy looking at many funny photos to try and stay in a good mood. 

Don’t you just find it delightful to see a vacation photo you've never seen, or haven’t seen in a long time?

Mask Mandates Madness

Submitted by ub on

Federal judge vacates the #CDC mask mandate in USA airports, as well as other American transport hubs without any hearing.

The US government says passengers traveling on public transportation won't be required to wear a face mask for now after a judge in Florida ruled the federal mask mandate exceeded the authority of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Indoor Waterfalls

Submitted by ub on

Folks enjoy watching waterfalls and architects even designed them as indoor attractions, but not for 190 Fordham, City Island.

The Nautical Winds Condominium, managed by Josh Koppel’s HSC Management located in Mount Vernon NY continues to fail with our efforts to deal with water entering the building every time a storm, or Nor'easter passes by News York City. A close look at their ratings issued by users, tenant reports, and unit owners says it all.