The Big Deal

COVID19 Relief Package: $600 stimulus checks, $300 bonus for federal unemployment benefits in a really big new deal.
Democrats wanted a tax credit for low-income families, while Republicans wanted a tax break for '3 martini lunches.'
COVID19 Relief Package: $600 stimulus checks, $300 bonus for federal unemployment benefits in a really big new deal.
Democrats wanted a tax credit for low-income families, while Republicans wanted a tax break for '3 martini lunches.'
Winter solstice is our shortest day but the longest night of the year, so prepare yourself for some stress and a little more fear.
But don’t be too afraid because if you’re not an early riser, the earliest sunset has since passed, that’s what’s so important!
This day has finally arrived, Winter Solstice 2020 is here. The first day of winter is upon us just in time for Christmas 🌟 Star.
MacKenzie Scott has managed to share her massive wealth to such a wonderful degree that she overshadowed and made the macho tech titans look like tightwads. So if she has it and wants to flaunt it, that’s her prerogative.
She says that not only are nonprofits chronically underfunded, but they are also chronically diverted from their work by fund-raising and by burdensome reporting requirements that donors often place on them.
2020 has been a difficult year for the whole wide world and no one knows it better than the family members of countless dead souls.
This image may be seen as that of an angel and a broken heart. As the holiday season swiftly approaches, even our planetary neighbors are getting into the spirit as shown by this perfect pair of festive silhouettes spotted by ESA’s Mars Express.
A Liar, a lame-Duck, makes for a triple Loser. He requested cyber hacking from Russia, then welcomed it even though he never won the popular vote in what could have been a rigged election? He benefited from Putin, and Is now allowing it to continue, even though the intelligence community and members of his party and cabinet are confirming the act of war.
Over four years, Americans have endured the mystery, horror, gloom, barbaric, rude, unhinged, and unenlightened POTUS TRUMP.
The Trump presidency began with Alternative Facts. It’s ending with impeached and Lame Duck Donald's lap-dog fantasizing about Alternate electors replacing Real ones. Meanwhile, congressional deplorable representatives embrace an alternate reality. Loser Donald would be wise to avoid advocating prosecution of presidential families for crimes... Just saying!
Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis is also known as Saint Augustine. He was a theologian, philosopher, and the Bishop of Hippo Regius in Numidia, Roman North Africa. This fourth-century philosopher whose groundbreaking writings infused Christian doctrine with Neoplatonism is also famous for being a catholic theologian with agnostic contributions to Western philosophy.
Prizefighters wear gloves over their hands to protect their fists from getting hurt with each blow. More importantly, it protects the person they are competing against being injured from the punches to the face and body. If boxers removed their gloves, the sport would become more dangerous, rough, and bloody.
If you, your friends, or neighbors are searching for a stress-free option of preparing a delicious Christmas dinner and may not feel like dealing with the hassle of cooking, and washing dishes, then try ordering from this City Images supported and City Island favorite.
In a turn of fate. The Racist In Chiefs' Mar-a-Lago neighbors in Palm Beach FLORIDA doesn't want him living in their neighborhood. is it about just property values or zoning rules?
The choice was made that Mar-a-Lago was not a residence but a club. Part of the agreement with Palm Beach in 1993 stipulates club members are banned from spending more than 21 days a year in the club’s guest suites and cannot stay there for any longer than seven consecutive days.