Niagara Falls
Two collapses at the same construction site in less than two weeks.
Two collapses at the same construction site in less than two weeks.
"Bless their hearts" is a figure of speech familiar to the United States and most prevalent in the southern states where I have lived.
This phrase has multiple meanings and is used to express genuine sympathy but more often as an insult that conveys condescension, ridicule, or contempt. It may also be considered a precursor to abuse to mitigate its severity.
We only need a pen, paper, and a keyboard to write a compelling copy, and we should also put down that dangerous sword.
The pen is mightier than the sword is a metonymic adage created by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, indicating that the written word is more effective than violence for social or political change.
Why have 23 Whales washed up along the shore dead along the East coast of the United States sinc4 December 2023?
Usually, they only stay under for about 20 minutes, but different whales do different things. Whales can only survive a few hours on land. They breathe the air just fine. The problem is that their fat holds in too much heat.
Unusual winds, tidal patterns, and ocean currents can increase the chances that whales will become stranded on a beach, and such changes could be exacerbated by climate change. February 21, 2023
Principles of freedom and diversity, equity, and inclusion may sometimes and perhaps increasingly disagree and often collide.
The notion is wrong in suggesting that freedom must always prevail in this clash of values. This conclusion is terrible not just as a matter of principle but also as a matter of law.
No matter how revered the rights conferred by the First Amendment are undoubtedly some of our most revered, they are never absolute. As a matter of law, even the most fundamental rights can be infringed if necessary to achieve some more pressing public purpose.
An insufferable lout becomes a national celebrity and proceeds to destroy himself and everything and everyone around him.
This is after he flies nonstop around the world. Think about history with Charles Lindbergh. In addition, a short intro to the story by Henry Fonda.
Jack ("Pal") Smurch has become shorthand for a hero, politician, or celebrity who, in person, turns out to be a lout or a stupid, rude, awkward person; a clumsy, ill-mannered boor; or an oaf.
Everyone who knows him knows what he's like, but everyone is reluctant to say anything about it.
Were they putting our young and fragile American democracy at risk to increase TV ratings and place the #safety of voters in danger?
As totalitarian regimes attempt to spread their tentacles, officials don't respond positively to local journalists' interview requests.
Reporters' queries about their alleged illegal activities or questionable actions keep rising, whether they're taking bribes, making unilateral decisions concerning restrictive laws, or about the local zoning and backroom plotting. These so-called public servants appear more interested in achieving total control and lining their pockets with developer money rather than responding to their local constituents' concerns.
Will Florida's Skipper ground the vessel? Ship stranding is the impact of a ship on the seabed or waterway side. It may be intentional, as in beaching to land crew or cargo and careening, for maintenance or repair, or unintentional, as in a marine accident. In accidental cases, it is commonly called running aground.
Otherwise unintentional, grounding may result simply in stranding, with or without damage to the submerged part of the ship's hull. Breach of the hull may lead to significant flooding, which in the absence of containment in watertight bulkheads, may substantially compromise the ship's structural integrity, stability, and safety.
Our planet kicked off another year with a warm start: January 2023 ranked as the seventh-warmest January in 174 years.
The average global land and ocean surface temperature was 1.57 degrees F (0.87 of a degree C) above average, ranking as the seventh-warmest January in NOAA's global climate record.
January 2023 marked the 47th-consecutive January and the 527th-consecutive month, with temperatures above the 20th-century average.
Sea ice at both ends of the world also ran very low, according to NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).