El Gordo Flaco

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Flaco is a nickname for how people see you, especially in prison, or in a zoo. You've got your shorty, flaco or skinny in Spanish.

This jailbird is now free and doing fine by me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxfCcd6qYVQ

Flaco the Escaped Central Park Zoo Owl Remains At Large and Is Now Hunting for Food in N.Y.C.

USA Killing Fields

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How did America get so violent? This US social and criminal problem is something harrowingly urgent and immediate that must end.

Unfortunately, today we all live near America’s infamous killing fields. According to Gun Violence Archive, there are too many mass shootings in America https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting

Gold Rush To Dry Rash

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The California Gold Rush was sparked by the discovery of large gold nuggets throughout the Sacramento Valley in early 1848. 

It was one of the most significant events ever to shape American history during the first half of the 19th century.

Terry’s Broad Jaw

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We are actually trying to be nicer and more respectful than Terry was by calling Andy a broad jaw and not a big mouth. 

Assorted Alerts

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US fighter jets responded for three consecutive days to shoot down a trio of unidentified aerial objects above North America.

Four in eight days may be a bunch and USA’s ability to recognize them grows after the first one, and experts suggest DOD has been dazed by an unknown aerial craft for years.

The Superb Owl

Submitted by ub on

The USA's most popular sporting event is the Superbowl which is important to many Americans and a perhaps a few superb owls.

It is a national party that we're going to be celebrating to ultimately learn WHO, or better yet Hoo is going to be the greatest quarterback leading the best team this season.

Just in case you were watching the game and s[dotted an owl, all you have to do is tell us the time you saw it and we will send you a special gift. admin@cimages.me

Immigrant vs Refugee

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Today there are an estimated 82 million men, women, and children escaping war, persecution, and political turbulence.

The following are refugees and asylum seekers. 

Types of Refugees

  • Asylum Seeker
  • Internally displaced person
  • Stateless person
  • Religion or political affiliation
  • Hunger
  • War refugee

There are others who are looking for jobs or education they are usually called migrants and people who want to live permanently in another country.

Egg Sited Valentine

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For Valentine’s Day, show that you love her by offering the most valued gift 🎁 that she will forever cherish, farm-fresh eggs 🥚 

Humans have scavenged and eaten animal eggs for millions of years. Humans in Southeast Asia had domesticated chickens and harvested their eggs for food by 1500 BCE. The most widely consumed eggs are those of fowl, especially chickens.

Things have gotten so intense at many major markets that at some stores like BJ’s and Costco that shoppers were going nuts looking for eggs.

I ❤️ Ricky

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The continuing international migration has moved to center stage in political, policy, and discussions around the globe, it is important to have a sense of what exactly these conversations are about. Simply put, our forefathers were all immigrants. No matter if an individual has taken citizenship, served in the military, or married a native, we will forever be international migrants.