Common Truths

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A breakdown of America’s political tribes overlooks the millions that voted for a real POTUS. Saluting USA working-class heroes.

US politics feels like a fight to the death between well-meaning patriots out to defend the good of the country and madmen who aim to destroy it. As @TheDemocrats continue to represent forgotten Americans, they will keep voting for real representation. Taxpayers and registered voters, it's now time to wake up and smell reality. The truth is that Democrats will always continue to be advocates for the common man.

No Little Man Bromance

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The buffoon may love him, but it's over now. Putin thrived by persuading the last American president to trust in him while simultaneously sowing division and discord among the USA and our allies.

As POTUS Joe Biden meets with Russia’s Communist dictator for a one-day summit in Geneva, Switzerland, the West's favorite geopolitical bogeyman is not likely to get the easy pass he got the last time around.

Community Organizers

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We need Community organizing - Folks sharing common problems with a group that acts to solve their shared self-interest.

Supporters of Democracy have found themselves in a difficult situation. Until they can distinguish between what’s true and what’s false, then the marketplace of truths won’t work and our democracy may perish.

Bibi's Boo-boos

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Bibi is out and a new Israeli government has a confidence vote. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's longest-serving prime minister.

His record run in office officially ended with parliament approving a new administration led by Naftali Bennett. This means there is a new prime minister for the first time since 2009 after a power-sharing government survived a confidence vote on Sunday. Bennett was then sworn in as prime minister.

Words Palabras

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Casi 5 millones de estudiantes en las escuelas públicas de EE. UU. Están aprendiendo inglés como segundo idioma. Eso es más del 10 por ciento de la población estudiantil. El número casi se duplicó en los últimos 15 años.  echa otro vistazo a la terminología utilizada para identificar a estos estudiantes y las implicaciones de usar ciertas etiquetas.

Half Million Deaths

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Do you remember when the former guy used The White House bully pulpit to say the virus would magically disappear and there was no reason to fear? The same buffoon's incompetence led to 600K American deaths from #COVID, claims that windmills kill everything.

Over half a million #Americans have died in #USA. Many are workers, nurses, doctors because they have put themselves in a position to save other people’s lives and protect the rest of society. Not all these lives had to perish and we know who is at fault.

Latino Representation

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On this, Sunday that's set aside to celebrate Latino pride and The Puerto Rican Parade, it is fitting to profile a famous Borinqueño

I met Anthony and his mom in Brooklyn recently. This young man and this wonderful animated, joyous, life-affirming major motion picture character are some of the best reasons for not only Latinos but for everyone to return to theaters, which were closed all over the place due to #COVID and the public health crisis around the world.

AMLO Destroying Mexico?

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Sandra Luz Gallegos Devine, Los Angeles, CA, June 12, 2021.-Today I had breakfast with a friend and journalist here in Los Angeles.

Little I know about Mexico these days and not trusting the traditional media, I am always skeptical about what is published here or in any other country.

Crypto Punk

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Sotheby's had an auction of NFT Art. One guy got 11.8 million for the ownership of a digital file.

The file is actually publicly available before and after the sale of its ownership. Other artists got 17 million at the auction.

This is the image of 11.8 million crypto punks

The original Demo Version of a Song could be something similar.

The quality and production might not mean as much as the actual Song, Lyrics, Hook

Collectors are buying the ownership of these kinds of original things.

Organized Power

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The White House has banned burgers. Covid vaccines have implanted microchips.