Control COVID19

Submitted by ub on

Whatever laypeople say about #COVID19, can only be trusted, once verified by scientific researchers and medical experts.

This appears to be the best solution to control the global pandemic. Everything else appears to be a Destructive Distraction.

Let us not repeat the mistakes made during past epidemics. Knowledge and wisdom should be our guide, not partisan politics.

The public is now being advised to “Keep our distance, wash our hands, think of others, and play our part. All together.


Submitted by ub on

When taking a hard look at reality, we must face sobering facts. Healthcare workers are unable to keep pace with patients. So-called leaders in denial. Fatalities increasing. At least 90K Americans are dead. Why do these numbers keep rising?

Although it started in Asia, why have the people of America particularly suffered the most deadly effects in a few months? 


Submitted by ub on

It is so sad to see America, the Beacon of Liberty brought close to its knees by the GOP, as Trump is increasingly at odds with former presidents as well as Republican leaders.

34 indictments
3500 lawsuits
22 rape accusations
2 articles of impeachment
2 friend child sex traffickers
1 porn star NDA
1 Impeachment


Submitted by ub on

The stakes are higher than ever. Vote for an #impeached GOP POTUS or Experienced Democrat VP. Who will #WeThePeople elect?

Will American citizens allow our nation to disintegrate in pandemonium under the Republicans as they continue to make themselves richer on the backs of average #USA taxpayers with pork projects, unnecessary tax cuts, endless profiteering, insider trading?

OBAMA on 2020

Submitted by ub on

POTUS44 delivers two graduation speeches. Graduating is a big achievement no matter what, but with all that the Class of 2020 has dealt with to get across the finish line, I think they’ve earned a little celebration. I hope you’ll all join me in honoring them at 2PM ET and 8PM ET.

GOP = GO Phishing

Submitted by ub on

The GOP leadership has gone phishing to Camp David a place he claims to hate in an effort to determine what to do following the recent POTUS and Republican dismal approval ratings.  Trump has spent most of his illegitimate presidency watching TV, Tweeting,  or playing golf and now he has invited his closest Republican allies there, after inviting the Taliban.

Bright's Dark Truths

Submitted by ub on

BARDA Director; Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Washington, District Of Columbia, USA

When anyone pays close attention to Dr. Rick Bright Testimony on Coronavirus Pandemic Response, they will learn the real deal.

Shame On US

Submitted by ub on

American voters gave POTUS their trust, and when he betrayed us or broke the bond, it hurts the USA because it’s his fault and he should be ashamed.

But when POTUS hurts the USA again and again, it means that we haven’t learned our lesson with the first betrayal and that #WeThePEople should no longer be trusting. it’s shame on ourselves and our fault that we trusted again after being betrayed. #VOTE Register to vote by mail and cast a ballot like your life depends on it.