
Clean Sweep

GOP-controlled US Congress is drinking a toxic brew of political polarization and gerrymandering that has the legislative body gridlocked and institutionally exists from one crisis to another.

The Republican Party does not deserve to be in charge. They have shut the government down at times and refuse to vote on legislation and presidential appointments.

USA can't afford to drag its feet any longer, we have gone without a properly functioning government for the last 8 years due to this obstruction. All apparently because the republicans were unhappy with a black president.

This is holding our country back. It is almost impossible to pass legislation it's all frozen up.

We need to break the logjam and Flip the Congress.

In the Senate, it would only take a change of 5 seats to Flip the Senate.

In the House, it would only take a change of 30 seats to Flip the House of Representatives.

All You have to do is Vote.

If you have difficulty getting to the poll to Vote use an Absentee Ballot.


Really Rich, or Faking it?

Submitted by ub on

How do we tell the difference between someone who claims to be wealthy and someone who is truly and really wealthy? It is as easy as 1-2-3. Also, they are not all HEROES, some are also SHEROES.

1/ Their tax return: It has now been over 465 days, so why has there been no sign of Trump tax returns?
LinkedIn Co-Founder Says He’ll Pay To See Trump Tax Transparency. Many billionaires have challenged him to put up, or shut up.…

Congress Inaction

Submitted by ub on

The US Congress is supposed to be back in action today, but don't hold your breath for many actions.

This is one of the reasons why voters should also be cleaning The House and The Senate on election day.

With weeks away from the danger of another government shutdown, the Republican leaders are not leading much.

The seven-week vacation should indicate to most intelligent Americans that a change has got to come from the top and all the way down to local government fat cats who say but do not do anything for the people they are sworn to represent and protect.

Stress-Free Flying

Submitted by ub on

Do you know the Secrets of Stress-Free Flying and searching tricky travel sites for best prices? JetBlue, Southwest, Virgin America, and Alaska Airlines got top Economy Flyer Rating, first class passengers, but not overly impressed with United Airlines and American Airlines.

There’s not much to enjoy about airline travel these days, economy seats are cramped, flights are packed, and passengers pay an ever-expanding number of fees for things that used to be free, says Consumer Reports in its latest investigation and airline rating survey.


Submitted by ub on

With our apologies to Trekkies, this is about the "Obstructionists, we will call them "0 Force" those n US Congress which have done nothing for the past 8 years, and may ruin everything the greatest democracy on earth has worked hard to build. This is also for the media, which owns its fair share of the blame by doing next to nothing about preventing the mess we find ourselves in.

Its time to educate the public about "0 Force", which translates to America inaction. Future generations will condemn us for inaction. US citizens should register to vote and use #VoterRegistrationDay on social media to spread the word.

Start by cleaning House and Senate obstructionists. These are the culprits who have been trying to destroy the administration that our great nation voted for twice. It's not just about taking the White House, but it is also about changing Congressional leadership, which has been taking us in the wrong direction.

The media carry the blame for covering his antics and propping up The Donald. The media which gives him the platform to spew fear. Also, it's the GOP leadership which supported him and if they are not removed from powerful positions they will continue a path to the destruction of democracy.This is a clear explanation for increased foreign influence by corrupt nations and organizations.


Submitted by ub on

Our present political pollution must be immediately cleaned up if we are to improve our vile national climate.

The upcoming presidential debates must concentrate on the issues and not personal attacks. Candidates should prioritize difficult issues like education, job growth, social security as they pertain to medicare, fiscal responsibility, and intergenerational equity.

They must outline their plans to slow the rate of growth in health care costs that threatens many Americans. How will they encourage the country to save and reduce our dependency on the foreign lenders? How will they emphasize statutory budget controls, entitlement reform, current tax policies and encourage bipartisan action to review all issues and make recommendations with a guaranteed up or down vote by Congress?

We need to elect a president who will solve many critical issues, unite all Americans and educate the public to seek meaningful reforms.

Good Old Friends

Submitted by ub on

As my grandchildren are returning to school it reminds me of my class reunion. Many aspects were what you'd expect: reconnecting with old friends, catching up on their lives and careers, as well as food and alcohol revelry.

I decided to bring my wife, so asked her to tag along, I was braced for a nightmare of never-ending tales of yesteryear in which she'd played no part (my wife and I met in the new Millenium) and reprisals of long-ago inside jokes. However, some other classmates also brought their spouses and it was just fine.


Submitted by ub on

US Congress members and state legislators have increasingly grown lazy and voters should exercise their right to vote, to get representatives working again and staying away from special interests and corruption.

Some observers may say it is probably not possible if the past record is any indication, but dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery must stop immediately.

Existing holders of political offices could be replaced during the upcoming elections where priorities are defined, established to improve structural advantages for all Americans.

Financial Forecast

The Armageddon countdown clocks were back, ticking away the second quarter in the bottom of
our TV screens as the world awaited the June 23rd Brexit vote determining if Great Britain would
leave the European Union. The referendum was considered a joke until recent polls showed it
having a chance to pass which kicked the ruling class into gear saying the Euroskeptics should not
be taken seriously. President Obama went to London to warn against Brexit saying “The UK is
going to be in the back of the queue” when the US negotiates trade deals. His comments were



Submitted by Admin on

The whole world will be watching Cleveland this week to learn how the 2016 Republican National Convention pole bearers plan to solve our growing national dilemmas, instead of continuing their divisive anti-civil rights record.

As the Republican National Convention gets underway in Cleveland this day, with political stars which may have gone too far, the school yard name calling and the mudslinging should stop to explain how TRUPENCE plans to improve the US.