1984 2.0

Submitted by ub on

We don't have to be fans of George Orwell’s “1984.” It seemed lacking in the imaginative extrapolations from dystopian literature.

According to published accounts, an author, named George Orwell’s modern hell was a reproduction of British misery in the postwar rationing years, with the malice of Stalin’s police-state style added on. That other classic, Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” where a permanent playground of sex and drugs persists in a fiercely inegalitarian society, seemed to me far more prescient, and so did any work of Philip K. Dick’s that extrapolated forward our bizarre American entertainment obsessions into an ever more brutal future in which Ken and Barbie might be worshipped as gods. “1984” seemed, in contrast, too brutal, too atavistic, and too limited in its imagination of the relation between an authoritarian state and helpless citizens.

There is nothing subtle about Trump’s behavior. He lies, he repeats the lie, and his listeners either cower in fear, stammer in disbelief, or try to see how they can turn the lie to their benefit. Every continental wiseguy, from Žižek to Baudrillard, insisted that when they pulled the full totalitarian wool over our eyes next time, we wouldn’t even know it was happening. Not a bit of it. Trump’s lies, and his urge to tell them, are pure Big Brother crude, however oafish their articulation. They are not postmodern traps and temptations; they are primitive schoolyard taunts and threats.

The blind, blatant disregard for truth is offered without even the sugar façade of the sweetness of temper or equableness or entertainment—offered not with a sheen of condescending consensus but in an ancient tone of rage, vanity, and vengeance. Trump is a pure raging authoritarian.








When Trump repeats his ridiculous story about three million illegal voters it is a story that no one knows, that not a single White House staffer or Republican congressman believes to be true he does not care if anyone believes it, even if, at some crazy level, he does, sort of. People are meant to be intimidated by it. The lie is not a claim about specific facts; his lunacy is a deliberate challenge to sanity. Once a lie that big is in circulation, trying to reel the conversation back into the territory of rational argument becomes difficult if not impossible.

Meanwhile, not only is Tommy Stuperville the most ignorant member of Congress, but he’s also a national disgrace and has no clue how the military works.

We knew Tommy Tuberville was incompetent, but the insulting leader of the Marines is galling. Sen. Tommy Tuberville's arrogance in comparing his former job as a football coach to the life-and-death decisions faced by Gen. Eric Smith is truly stunning.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/columnist/nancy-armour/2023/11/03…

How do you even try to compare his football coaching job with patriotic leaders in the military who are making life-and-death decisions and willing to sacrifice their lives to protect our country and people? He never served and doesn’t even possess the courage to do so if called.

Is Tommy Tuberville the Most Ignorant Man in D.C.? How did the failed football coach turn #MAGA senator do the impossible and unite Congress by pissing everybody off?


Finally back to Agent Orange… who according to published reports referred to January 6th insurrectionists who have been convicted of crimes as "hostages." As the riot was in full roar he told McCarthy that the rioters "cared more about"  his false allegations of voter fraud than McCarthy did. So from January 6th through now  has provided support for the #insurrectionists. Why is this important? Because many constitutionalists believe this support meets the requirement for #Trumpto be excluded from federal and state public office for providing "aid and comfort to the enemies to the (#Constitution)." Unfortunately, it does not appear that this part of the #14thAmd., Sec. 3 is being adequately alleged. Attached is a PBS report that details Trump's support of the rioters through July 2023, which continues today.
