US Foreign Policy


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More than half of Americans polled say the state of the union is not strong. Respondents were asked, "Overall, would you say the state of the union is very strong, strong, not very strong, or not strong at all?" The other question which begs to be asked - Is our nation walking a tightrope or on a HIGH WIRE? Can you tell or do you know which one of these three guys does not wear makeup?


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Five decades later his legaciy in question as US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has died at the age 100.

He served as America's top diplomat and national security adviser during the Nixon and Ford administrations.

In a statement, Kissinger Associates, a political consulting firm he founded, said the German-born former diplomat died at his home in Connecticut. 

During his decades long career, Mr Kissinger played a key, and sometimes controversial, role in US foreign and security policy. 

The Invasion Reaction

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War is yet another opportunity for this Russian Communist butcher to continue spreading his infectious disease all over the world.

Ukrainian women are joining the ranks of citizen soldiers as they resist the Russian invasion and fight for their lives. The civilian deaths keep piling up while the potential spread of COVID intensifies, pushing back the gains made in the health of the entire free world. The role of women in combat is often overlooked. Here we see former Miss Ukraine has joined the fight against the Russian invasion. 💙💛

Russian Jokes

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The world is learning that the Russians are dangerous liars and their own people tell jokes about the government among themselves.

President Ronald Reagan liked telling Russian jokes including a series of categories with fixed settings and characters. These treat the government and their lifestyle as a joke with different topics, including politics.

An American greets a Russian friend: "Hey, buddy, how you been?" Russian replies "You know, can't complain."

CUBA Seguro Qué Si

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The Cuban people have been oppressed for six decades by the totalitarian Castro regime and will say Basta and Libertad.

Fidel Castro died five years ago this week, but his menacing shadow and his legacy of oppressing the Cuban people continues.

Those national planned mass protest is demanding their freedom and an end to the communist dictatorship in the Caribbean island.

To follow the developments and do your part to support them and help spread the word to the world. #15NCuba #SOSCuba #15N

Soto San To Soto Zen

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I’m the unicorn journalist with wings and a cyclops eye. I have been affected by multiple news stories, starting with Fidel Castro’s Cuban Communist Revolution in the ’60s, when I became a political refugee after coming to America.  

The Graveyard of Empires

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The Russians were coming, came and left. Afterwards the American military gave it a long costly attempt, and now reportedly, China?

Nearly 20 years later and a countless loss of life with an alarming cost of trillions since US troops invaded Afghanistan to oust the Taliban and attack al-Qaida, Americans are advancing a final withdrawal.

Killer Vlad vs Killer Joe

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POTUS has referred to Putin as an “autocrat,” a “dictator” and a “killer”, with relations between the countries at an all-time low.

POTUS is reportedly pressing Putin over alleged hacking, human rights abuses and other irritants. Putin may be cruising for a bruising as Russian ships carry out the largest military exercises since the Cold War off the coast of Hawaii, sending the US Air Force scrambling as President Biden meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The King Can Cry

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The White House is now pointing fingers at the King of Saudi Arabia, and Prince Mohammed bin Salman for killing Jamal Khashoggi.

Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi was a Saudi Arabian dissident, author, columnist for The Washington Post, and a general manager and editor-in-chief of Al-Arab News Channel. He was assassinated at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on 2 October 2018 by agents of the Saudi government, according to reports.

Communism vs Fascism

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Please, allow me to tell you a real story I personally lived through. Once upon a time, there were two republics. Both had constitutions, laws, civil rights, a government, a congress, and a court system of law. The people could assemble, associate, speak, and write with freedom.

But as the people became unsatisfied with their governments, they chose to support new officials and were fooled by fake images of religion and a better life before reality began to set in.