Have you found that exploring jazz elements in classical works like Beethoven's changes the way you hear or appreciate music?
Have you found that exploring jazz elements in classical works like Beethoven's changes the way you hear or appreciate music?
My wife wants to buy a house and have a doghouse in the yard, and life is not so hard. So Snoopy comes to mind. He symbolizes determination, endurance, and imagination, and his actions teach us the true value of dreaming, evolving, and inspiring.
Our Lady of Paris aka Notre-Dame, is a medieval Catholic cathedral on the Île de la Cité an island in the River Seine Paris
We at #CityImages are giving the first 24 readers special gifts, if they share images of their hometown, or any great shots.
On this Giving Tuesday, the years ahead will be challenging but we can still make progress if we pull together.
Whether you traveled there or are living anywhere in Kansas City, San Diego, San Salvador, Moscow, Shanghai, Rio, Habana, Miami, LA or New York, it doesn’t matter where you took your photos.
Please share them and prove that we all have a spectacular photographer inside us.
Hobbies are essential. profitable ones are better yet. How did ‘Imagine That’ turn hobby into a side hustle on City Island?
Business owner Denise Fisher moved from Manhattan with her husband and purchased a house on City Island - A Slice of NYC Paradise. This amazing center is located at 280 City Island Avenue on the corner of Hawkins Street.
If you’re one of the 8.333 million residents of New York City, mark your calendars and Ron, don’t walk to City Island's Focal Point Gallery.
Doctor Terner celebrates a half-century of creating visual arts and photocrafts on City Island A Slice of NYC Paradise.
Thank you very much, POTUS Joe Biden for your leadership and ability to chose the right paths for victory at home and abroad.
Losers in turmoil in the #Trumputin world Inside the Kremlin and Mar-a-Lago, are wi easing the return of infighting as the latest symptom of a campaign on tilt, as an election and invasion that once felt like a layup devolves into a real struggle and a dogfight.
What are the best mystery and adventure films of all time or underrated crime caper movies that deserve attention?
Whenever life becomes stressful, I go somewhere else in my mind. That's because the best movies are the ones that can make us shut off the noise around us and transport us to another place.
It could be considered a crime or misdemeanor if you were to miss any of these major motion pictures!
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, aka GABO, died a decade ago, but a previously unpublished book has finally been released.
Gabo popularised the Latin American "magical realism" narrative genre. His new book will hit the stores on Wednesday, somewhat despite his wishes.