

Submitted by ub on

The most popular recreational drugs these days appear to be weed, beer or wine among most adults.

Marijuana is a widely used psychoactive substance in the US and medical and recreational legalization has risen over the past decade.

Wine consumption continues to be a popular recreational alcoholic beverage of choice, and beer the statistics are also impressive. Let’s keep in mind the assortment of local US beers and American wines available.


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As daddy addressed the press, while he was dressed in a tan overcoat, he told a seated Mr Trump, “I want you to shush your mouth”


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Universal healthcare isn’t complicated. 32 of the world’s 33 developed countries have managed to make it work. Why not here?

American corporations are greedy and are destroying our nation. Americans have the world's best health care for the wealthy and the worst for the poor... let us not forget the economic divide.. we need help which may never happen at least for the next four years with the new administration.


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White Wine or Red Wine: Which Is one is Healthier? Whether one prefers white or red wine is usually a matter of personal preference. 

But if you want the healthiest pick, which should you choose? According to published reports, Red wine has drawn lots of attention for its research-backed potential to lower the risk of heart disease and lengthen your lifespan.

Does white wine have the same benefits? This an opportunity to review what you need to know about red and white wine — how they’re made, what to watch out for and which is healthier.


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Drinking alcohol is reportedly linked to six types of cancer, experts say: ‘It’s toxic’. According to Medical reasearch officials,

A disturbance in behavior or mental function during or after alcohol consumption.

Alcohol intoxication can affect a person's judgment.

Symptoms after drinking include slurred speech, incoordination, and mood and behavior changes. Sometimes, coma can occur.

Alcohol intoxication is managed with rest, hydration, and stopping alcohol use. Severe cases require hospital admission, intravenous fluids, observation, and supportive care.


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Who says you can’t quantify happiness? It turns out that some are statistically happier than others, according to a 2024 study.

Happiness is a three letter word. So what’s the secret sauce to a happy life? Researchers explored factors such as household income, average age, daily commute, relationship status, and even pet ownership to see which ones, if any, correlated with happiness. Does having a dog make you happier? Statistically speaking, not really, although many pet owners may disagree. 


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During a speech, the former guy was all shook up and rambling while he switched to talking about something else for an hour.

The 78-year-old was shifting from topic to topic, with few connections and a pattern of speech called tangentiality that is one of several disjointed and occasionally incoherent verbal habits increased during his recent speech pattern, specialists in memory, psychology, and linguistics point out.


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Every family has a crazy uncle, but this guy says his is Atomic Crazy and his psychologist cousin adds that he is a fraud and cheats.

The majority of cabinet members who worked with him and not endorsing him, his Vice President has rejected his candidacy and now family members agree with many other members of The GOP that their guy belongs in detention.


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It was not that long ago that more of the world’s people had too little to eat than ate too much. What on earth happened?

Now the scales have tipped. A study published on February 29th in the Lancet, a medical journal, shows that more than 1bn people were classified as obese in 2022, the latest year for which data are available.


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Stressed out can also be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by difficult health or other situations.

I heard from two college buddies today. One says he is stressed out and in poor health, the other doesn't shivagit.

Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree.

if you identify with any or all of the above, you are not alone my friend. Take a number and get to the end of the line.