First Lady Dr. Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden is an American educator who has been the first lady of the United States since 2021 as the wife of President Joe Biden.
First Lady Dr. Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden is an American educator who has been the first lady of the United States since 2021 as the wife of President Joe Biden.
Make sure you’re registered. There are only two hundred and eleven days before Americans cast ballots in the general election.
Did the Republican Party mostly manage to load the US Supreme Court with a few unethical and entitled corrupt American creeps?
The original filter for US government corruption was the Senate until the GOP sold out. American investigative journalists have found that Republicans packed SCOTUS with cretinism.
All 9 Supreme Court justices push back on oversight: 'Raises more questions,' Senate chair says
In a rare joint statement, the justices said they want to "provide new clarity.
All registered American voters should cast ballots rejecting USA racism. Minorities aren’t responsible for the paranoia.
Longtime Republicans are beginning to slam the GOP leadership for enabling "white nationalism" Supremacy is not a mental illness, this is a learned behavior and growing cancer tearing at the fiber of humanity.
On any given night on Fox News, you can find the racist idea that white people are under threat of extinction. And it is the same extreme ideology that motivates the gunmen.
Putin puppet Marine Le Pen and French President Emanuel Macron face off once again in their final presidential election.
Unlikely to win the presidential election but within a potential surprise, Marine Le Pen is the new French normal. If Emmanuel Macron is victorious he faces a fractured nation, where his support is French fried.
A former Speaker of the Florida House, Republican Marco Rubio boasted a son-of-immigrants story that rivaled GOP Senator Ted Cruz.
US Senator Rubio, FL, like Cruz, TX commanded a great deal of respect from conservative activists. But that was then and this is now. The Hispanic population of these two states alone is: Texas at 9.794.0003 Florida at 4.354.000
Rubio is up for re-election and appears to be getting desperate with his campaign emails.
A shift towards the Republicans by Hispanic voters continues to be a real surprise to this Latino without any political affiliation.
POTUS Joe Biden celebrated his first year in office with a nationally televised live 2-hour news conference this afternoon.
The new and improved winning Republican formula appears to be staying far away from a twice impeached one-term lame-duck liar.
For example, in the Virginia campaign and statewide race for Governor, Glenn Youngkin won while keeping away from liars and toxic Donald. Will other Republicans get the message and do the same thing?
The outcome of the Virginia Governor election spells possible gloom and doom for the Democrats in the 2022 political race.
Unless there is a positive epiphany and renewed realization that it is time to wake up and smell the coffee or the tea, opportunity leaves the liberal progressive movement doomed for American renewal.