What is the status of our national learning tree and is is growing or dying?
What is the status of our national learning tree and is is growing or dying?
He was not an evil man and his politics were not totally, but he was more of a realist for that time.
Machiavelli had a significant and complex influence on the political thinking of the American Founding Fathers, especially regarding republicanism. His works, particularly The Prince and Discourses on Livy, provided insights into how to maintain stability and power in a republic, as well as the necessary balance between liberty and authority.
While things did not always go well for most of us when we’were attending school, Charlie Brown often got the last laugh.
Not many dogs can say they have gone to a real school before, but at the end of the day, Snoopy is nowhere near like most dogs. Many of the Snoopy in school comic strips show the more childlike or whimsical side of Snoopy, while others show his temper flare, all culminating in intriguing and hilarious comic strips of Peanuts.
How dangerously dumb is DonOld? He is as dumb as a box of rocks, hammers, or a bag of oranges, and a wad of fake hair.
Americans elected 46 presidents. Only one has 91 criminal felony charges 2 impeachments and 34 convictions. He is a weak man. Birds of a feather…
His elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. He’s Thick as a brick. He is the GOP's Weakest Link because his intellect has no beginning.
My moving memories of South Florida when streets were vibrant and full of clubs, hotels, assorted stores, head shops, and street life.
Florida Pop Festivals in the late 60s were touted as the first significant music festivals in the new Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n Roll long with Peace and Love cultural lifestyle.
I was there because I decided to leave my Northeastern lifestyle after attending grammar and high school there to seek higher education and a new beginning at the University of Miami and Florida International University, where I earned my BFA.
How do we change systems that perpetuate inequity and ensure that all children can learn and achieve their fullest potential? For Teach For America corps members, it starts when a new teacher steps into the classroom to change students’ lives and be changed in the process. And it continues through a lifetime of advocating for children as part of our diverse alumni network. Brittany Packnett, VP of community alliances at Teach For America, narrates our theory of change.
A ruler living in a shining city on a hill in a beautiful kingdom had two sons and a daughter.
His two sons always worried about the amount of goods they would inherit from their father. Resembling her father the most, the young daughter just watched and learned.
So the middle son said to the eldest, “Brother, our father wenches all day, watches his money at night, and does not even feed us.”
That same day the ruler felt bored and decided to visit distant lands. So he called his sons and daughter and said, “Gather my belongings. I will go East.“
As American college and university campuses come back to life this Fall, student protests will resume again in the Springtime.
The impact of anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions laws on campus divestment movements is at a crucial point.
As an experienced university educator at public and private institutions, I can tell students to watch their steps if demonstrating at a private institution of higher learning. Always be very careful what you do and say.