

Submitted by ub on

Coolness must be bestowwd and never claimed. Initially a descriptor of temperature, cool transitioned from referring to the environment to becoming a term for mental composure and rationality. Being cool is difficult. Staying cool is much harder. It’s an elusive quality, in part because it’s a word with layers of nuanced meaning that peel off as we travel through centuries.

1984 - 2024

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Donald Trump is a totalitarian, mimicking the rage of most 20th-century dictators. He lacks subtlety, and his word salad is, well, an inelegant salad. Reading his Truth Social texts reveals the intensity of his lies and fantasies. If it existed, Orwell might have called the Internet something akin to truth social, which perfectly encapsulates the reverse meaning of the words.


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Support your local bookstores and libraries, The following are some of our favorite cities that are worth a trip for avid readers and book lovers among all of us.

A library is a collection of books, and possibly other materials and media, that is accessible for use by its members and members of allied institutions. A bookstore allows us to purchase a book to read and share or keep for future reference.


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My daughter Sabrina Soto has now published her latest book just in time to order as a holiday gift 🎁 for you and your loved ones.

Introducing Grateful Hearts: A Mother-Child Gratitude Journal of Appreciation, Love, and Joy, a captivating mother-child gratitude journal that invites you and your child to embark on a transformative journey of gratitude and appreciation. In this heartfelt journal, HGTV host and designer Sabrina Soto, a mother who understands the power of gratitude, encourages you to embrace gratitude as a fundamental part of your daily life.

Brother Moon

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Talking, writing, oral, and reading skills simultaneously through understanding the relationship between reading and moon writing.

Are you feeling exhausted, or perhaps not inspired. It could be that you have lots of ideas but lack focus. Whatever the case, when writer’s block, appears, just dismiss your fears with creative inspiration for what to write about.

Just sit down and write your ideas right out of your mind and onto the page. You can find new angles on something you know about.

Reading Bans

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It is time to push back against spineless mental midgets without a moral compass who are banning books considered literary classics.

What It Means to Be a Writer: John Steinbeck’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech About Slicing Through Humanity’s Confusion. 1962.

Loving Gardening

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Are you having a difficult time starting your garden? Here are dozens of books you can read online, or go to the local library and borrow for a period of time. Happy Valentines Day 😍  

All-New Square Foot Gardening, 3rd Edition

by Mel Bartholomew

Mark RED Twain

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Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, and publisher.

He was lauded as the "greatest humorist the United States has produced," and William Faulkner called him "the father of American literature".

Red or ginger hair occurs naturally in one to two percent of humans, appearing with greater frequency two to six percent among people of Northern or Northwestern European ancestry and lesser frequency in other populations.

Remote Learning

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As an English-Language learner and multilingual student like yours truly, I am here to say it's OKAY and you have rights.

"IF" JR Kipling

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The following should be required reading. ‘IF’ was written by an Indian born, English Nobel Laureate poet and journalist named Joseph Rudyard Kipling. It can serve as the ultimate inspiration that tells all of us how to deal with different phases in life and helps us to become better people.

The poem, written in 1895 and first published in ‘Rewards and Fairies’, 1910 is 32 lines long with four stanzas of eight lines each. It is a tribute to Leander Starr Jameson.