Good humor and positivity are the keys to fulfilling a joyous life.
Good humor and positivity are the keys to fulfilling a joyous life.
POTUS delivers his final address to our nation with an alarming warning. Will Democracy die in plain sight by non-nonparticipating voters while elected autocrats subvert by packing and “weaponizing” the courts along with other neutral agencies, buying off the media and the private sector or bullying them into silence and rewriting the rules to tilt the playing field against opponents? The tragic paradox of the electoral route to authoritarianism is that democracy’s assassins use the very institutions of democracy gradually, subtly, and even legally—to kill it?
Fasten your belts, Americans workers you are are in for more turmoil over the next four years after Trump threw the year-end spending debates into chaos by rejecting a stopgap spending bill negotiated by a group of bipartisan congressional leaders. The entire American government will be exposed for all to see the existence of bone-deep prejudices. What’s the alternative? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=av1oBVZsroA Unfortunately this is the way it’s got to be, and so it goes.
Welcome to one nation as Senator Bernie Sanders says rapidly becoming an oligarchy run by billionaires out to steal tax dollars.
I have no political affiliation but as an independent voter I am concerned about the land of the free and home of the brave, while the rest of the developed nations of the world enjoy universal healthcare, free education, more paid vacation time than any of us receive… etc.
There are hundredaires, thousand-aires, millionaires, and billionaires but this former guy is got to be nowhere there to be found.
He has been lying forever, boasting about being a billionaire but can’t even put up with a few hundred thousand dollars. therefore he should finally and once and for all shut up.
A New York appeals court denied Trump's request to delay a $464 million fraud judgment, a ruling that means, for now, that the disgraced former president is required to post a bond for hundreds of millions of dollars in the coming weeks.
As we celebrate another long weekend let’s deep dive into the meaning of Presidents Day. It has changed dramatically over the years.
Here is the oldest living president and now elder statesman shaking voters' hands. Former President Jimmy Carter, now 99 meets and greets workers. in 1976 during a visit to the Granite State the first-in-the-nation primary.
The former guy is hawking $400 sneakers for personal gain. Former President Don Trump is 76 which is old enough to know by now after all his failed attempts to sell his tained FRAUD name.
As the US enters the 2024 campaign, Russia’s Putin wants to fill the 24-hour news cycle with stupidity from his controlled puppet.
Here is an interesting perspective on the role of political figures as mannequins or puppets, particularly in the context of media manipulation. The historical references to the military use of mannequins add depth to our analogy. Worthless information overload.
The Grifters is an American neo-noir crime family directed by Donald and starring Ivana, Jared, Don Jr, and last as well as least, Eric.
Donald is a fat old political lowlife with small brain and big mouth. Therefore, like daddy, like all his children.
“The Stink of His Family Is Nearly Impossible to Get Off”: Jared and Ivanka’s Final Chapter in Washington Demolished Their Future.
They’re like a band of gypsies. https://youtu.be/jxFW5F87xK8?si=MFdz9WBuZQPuqGbt
The allegations that Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, have faced previously continue to pile up.
The questions surrounding Jared Kushner and his wife who have raised billions becoming a Middle East power couple and creating a life outside of Donald Trump. Ivanka and Jared are accused of making more than half a billion dollars in combined wealth while working for the White House. They make Hunter look like a Cub Scout in comparison.
You can see it in this yellow belly's face that he’s frightened as he appears in the NY State Supreme Court for his massive fraud trial.