There are hundredaires, thousand-aires, millionaires, and billionaires but this former guy is got to be nowhere there to be found.
He has been lying forever, boasting about being a billionaire but can’t even put up with a few hundred thousand dollars. therefore he should finally and once and for all shut up.
A New York appeals court denied Trump's request to delay a $464 million fraud judgment, a ruling that means, for now, that the disgraced former president is required to post a bond for hundreds of millions of dollars in the coming weeks.
Defense attorneys had said Trump was prepared to post a $100 million bond, arguing he had no way to secure a higher amount without selling off some of his real estate.
Court denies Trump's bid to freeze $464M judgment after his lawyers say he'd have to sell properties to pay
The former president had sought to post a fraction of the bond amount.
The court denies Trump request to post $100M bond instead of 'impossible' $464M penalty in N.Y. fraud case
Republican Senator Mitt Romney - “But there’s another dimension besides policy, and that’s character,” Romney said. “And I think what America is as a nation, what has allowed us to be the most powerful nation on Earth and the leader of the Earth, is the character of the people who have been our leaders, past presidents, but also mothers, fathers, church leaders, university presidents and so forth.”
That’s where Trump falls well short of the mark, he added.
“Having a president who is so defaulted of character would have an enormous impact on the character of America. And for me, that’s the primary consideration.”