

You never know when you’ve going to need one, so it is better to be safe than to be sorry you did not take the time to plan ahead.

To be better safe than sorry is to be cautious or prepared so that you do not later make a mistake. People who are better safe than sorry arrange and organize ahead of time so that they do not have to face negative consequences in the future. This may mean they are physically safe or that they are safe from bad events.


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Why does a billionaire space race have Branson and Bezos competing on spending millions on being first in outer space?

And why call it historic? This is not the first time billionaires burned through gobs of money and resources to accomplish something a monkey did 72 years ago. Wake up and face reality, folks.

Fun in The Sun

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The beach has s special power to heal and recharge us, which is why so many look to it when dreaming about our next tropical escape. 

Laura Lashes Out

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Hurricane Laura Intensifying in the Gulf of Mexico. ForecastEra expect it to Slam Texas, Louisiana Coasts as Category 3.

We have tried packing in as much information as I could on Hurricane Laura, which looks to be the most damaging hurricane of the season and is now expected to become a Major storm (that's the "M" in the track on the upper-middle image).

Celebrate Patience and Fortitude

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Happy Birthday, 🎁 NYPL - On this date May 23, 1895, The New York Public Library #NYPL was founded. To honor their 125th anniversary, they asked 125 people to talk about a book they love or any published work that inspired them. 

This video follows the release of a new anniversary list, 125 Kids Books We Love, featuring children’s titles that inspire those both young and young at heart to #LoveReading. Explore the list here.