Why does a billionaire space race have Branson and Bezos competing on spending millions on being first in outer space?
And why call it historic? This is not the first time billionaires burned through gobs of money and resources to accomplish something a monkey did 72 years ago. Wake up and face reality, folks.
If billionaires like Branson build and then hoard wealth at everyone's expense, then there is no way to expect him, or Bezos, or Musk, to democratize space any more than they’ve democratized prosperity? Billionaires rocketing off to space is not progress. This is grotesque inequality that allows a few to leave Earth behind while the rest of humanity suffers.
No one needs billionaires to colonize outer space. We need them to pay their fair share of taxes so people can thrive here on Earth.
This is a textbook case of boys and their expensive toys. With all the extra money Virgin's Richard Branson has to spend as he plans to get to space before Amazon's Jeff Bezos https://trib.al/kcfuxOZ
Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic is due to send the company's passenger rocket plane, the VSS Unity, on its first fully crewed test flight to the edge of space, with the British billionaire founder among the six individuals strapping in for the ride https://reut.rs/3yTPcbN
In case you're wondering whether Amazon and Virgin owners have too much time on their hands and way too much money. keep in mind that Bezos reportedly added $8.4 billion to his wealth in a single day this week. Do you believe that Jeff Bezos' wealth increased by $8.4 billion in *one day* this week?
We realize that it is their money, but with all the need there is in the world, we suggest they both take a look around and donate to worthwhile charities and non-profits. That is if they really believe in doing the greater good for humanity.
Not everyone has the funds to support their favorite charity, but they have shown the world they certainly do and apparently plenty more when that came from.
There are so many worthwhile organizations to donate to ranging from the Boys and Girls Club of America to the World Food Programme and the list grows longer each and every day.
If they decide that each one of them wants to financially support a cause that’s close to their heart and soul, the next step is not going to outer space, but finding a legitimate nonprofit that will use the funds to make a lasting impact.
Dear Jeff and Richard, doing the greater good shouldn’t be difficult, which is why #CityImages wants to offer a wake-up person-to-person call or house visit from Doctors Without Borders or from many other charities to donate to UNICEF and so many others out there.
Arts, culture, and humanities organizations bring the performing arts to the public; preserve and commemorate the events, places, and cultures that created and continue to shape the nation; and promote the distribution of ideas. They range from internationally renowned art museums to small historical societies, major theatrical venues to charities that bring the arts into schools to promote scholastic achievement, and major broadcasting services to local-access radio and TV.
Education nonprofits promote learning and intellectual development from cradle to grave, from preschools through post-graduate schools and adult learning programs. They also include schools for students with special needs, organizations offering vocational and technical training, libraries, literacy programs, scholarships, student organizations, and parent-teacher groups. The research category comprises science, technology, and social science institutes. A nonprofit in this category may focus on astronomy, chemistry, or other physical science; engineering; computer science; marine biology, physiology, or other biological science; anthropology, economics, international law, political science, or other social science; or interdisciplinary fields, such as black studies, ethnic studies, gerontology, labor studies, and urban studies.
Environmental organizations are dedicated to reclaiming and preserving natural resources and to beautifying the world around us. They range from recycling programs to wetlands management to garden clubs. Animal nonprofits include humane societies and SPCAs, bird and wildlife sanctuaries, fisheries, veterinary organizations, zoos, and animal-training nonprofits.
Health nonprofits cover a broad range of organizations concerned with the body or mind. Hospitals, substance abuse and additional treatment programs, diseases and disease research, medical disciplines and specialty research, and mental health and crisis services all fall into this category.
Human service nonprofits are the organizations that most people think of when they hear the word nonprofit. They feed the hungry, assist crime victims and offenders, provide job training, house the homeless, help people prepare for and recover from disasters, maintain playgrounds and athletic fields, act as advocates for children, and offer programs to help youth mature into adults who contribute to society.
International organizations focus their efforts outside U.S. borders. Development relief organizations, human rights advocates, peace and security nonprofits, and organizations that promote international understanding all fall into this category.
Public and societal benefit nonprofits work in the areas of civil rights and civil liberties, community improvement, philanthropy and volunteerism, and voter education and registration. They also include life insurance providers, unemployment compensation organizations, pension, and retirement funds, fraternal groups, employee associations, and cemeteries.
Whether you’re looking for coronavirus charities or charities doing environmental work and everything in between. You won't find them in space, so just say no to your wasteful BS RACE.