News Media


Submitted by ub on

August 9, 1974, was a momentous day in American history, not just because my first child, Rachel Tiven, was born in Atlanta that morning but also because a resigned President Richard Nixon left the White House in disgrace at lunchtime headed for political oblivion in California.


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While reflecting on the complex and dynamic nature of the United States—how our strength relies on diversity and individualism, but also how this can sometimes lead to fragmentation. There's an undeniable tension in the idea that the country’s chaotic blend of perspectives, identities, and values could either be its downfall or its greatest asset. Diversity, while often challenging to manage, creates a kind of unpredictability that makes it tough to control or dominate the American spirit.

The idea that America is "uncontrollable" is powerful. It speaks to the inherent resilience and independence documented throughout the nation’s history. From the Revolution to civil rights movements and beyond, Americans have often defied authority or resisted conformity. It’s not always smooth or even peaceful, but it’s a persistent force.

The struggle for cohesion can be both a weakness and a strength. The fact that so many people, ideologies, and cultures coexist here creates a nation that's perpetually evolving, and often innovating. A fool who thinks they can control US might be in for a rude awakening.

What are your thoughts on how this mix of strengths and challenges plays out in current times?


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While news deserts have garnered much attention, #DONews and #DOFeeds pose a digital solution to a well-informed global public 

In many regions, newspapers persist but are so depleted of original local reporting that they no longer fulfill their critical role in serving their communities.  #DONews    #DOFeeds.


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The following is our holiday gift and a new call for a shift in the 5 Ws - How to do real news and current events. 

We challenge the common belief that to be effective in activism, we must constantly be weighed down by the world's pains. Instead, we emphasize the importance of channeling our energy into meaningful, tangible actions, without succumbing to pain.


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SANTA: All I want for Christmas is to keep myself informed on all the news and information fit to download without costly paywalls.

The Magic of Celebrating Christmas in The Big Apple and Around the World Wide Highway.
Maintain a News and Information Calendar That Lasts All Year.
The Art of Writing and Reading: Making Meaningful Global Connections.
Explore the Power of Current Events all day every day 24/7.



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Just in time for turkey-day, MSNBC is reportedly watching their ratings crumple following GOP's Election Day’s razor thin victory.

The cable network’s audience keeps shrinking while Fox News is the only cable channel showing post-election growth.


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Independent. Not-For-Profit.
At a time when the world is trying to understand what's happening in America, the AP is the only news organization with journalists on the ground in all 50 states.

Please consider donating to help AP make our $500,000 year-end goal. DONATE


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Digital news and information #RSS content data is used, read, and transferred by computers, networks, and other machines.

It is represented as a string of symbols, such as letters or digits, that can take on a finite number of values. 

Digital information is created by converting information into binary code, a language that uses only the numbers 0 and 1 to represent the on and off states of a transistor. 

Computers and other devices use binary code to process words, images, sounds, and other types of information. 


Submitted by ub on

My moving memories of South Florida when streets were vibrant and full of clubs, hotels, assorted stores, head shops, and street life.

Florida Pop Festivals in the late 60s were touted as the first significant music festivals in the new Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n Roll long with Peace and Love cultural lifestyle.

I was there because I decided to leave my Northeastern lifestyle after attending grammar and high school there to seek higher education and a new beginning at the University of Miami and Florida International University, where I earned my BFA.