Submitted by ub on

A four-year-old is having a real pisser. He pees with the force of like River Rhine, and poops with the power of Mount Fuji Volcano.
The kid telling #DonOld to shut up. In another clip he reportedly tells him he isn't the president. Most likely parroting what he's heard at home many times.

His 53-year-old father complains he’s constipated and beginning to have some serious difficulties with number one and number two.

The 78-year-old grandpa claims he pees fine and without difficulty when he finally wakes up in at 7:30 in the morning, then easily poops at 845A - The others are impressed by his ability to handle number one and two, but ask how it is that being so the old, he can move his bowels. He says the only problem is that I don’t get out of bed till NOON.

Is this how Republicans like to celebrate Presidents Day Weekend ? Will the real President please stand up.