Submitted by ub on

When we’re swept up in the cheer of the holiday season, it’s tempting to make overly ambitious resolutions for the new year. 

I’ll learn to play one new instrument every month!’ Okay, I will never become like Mozart. The reality is that most of our New Year’s resolutions don’t even make it past the second week of January. Here are five resolutions that are both worthwhile and realistic.

To read more and learn all about different cultures and the human spirit. Only cowards fear books… 

To enjoy life to the fullest. This one's obvious; we all like to have fun and enjoy ourselves. ... 

To eat well-balanced meals and exercise more. ... 

To become more spiritual and learn about religions. ... 

To quit smoking and drinking alcohol. ... 

To manage money better.

Are your resolutions different? The logic behind these tips still applies: be specific, don’t set yourself huge tasks that you’ll never be able to follow through, and try to limit the number of resolutions you set for yourself.

Tell a friend about them so they can help you keep on track. Sticking to your New Year’s resolutions isn’t easy, but hey – if this year is a giant flop, you will probably try again next year. 

Finally, speaking of support groups I now realize that during our working years, I became consumed by chasing promotions, covering news, or accumulating wealth and assets. I wrongly rationalized missing family events, occasions with close friends, or leisure activities because the job demands relentless effort and focus.

However, later in life, the deep regret of privileged moments lost can settle in. Time with those closest to our hearts that has since passed can never be recovered. Eventually, we learn that relationships and shared experiences are the authentic sources of life’s richness – not status or objects collected.

Careers enable our livelihoods, yet we must balance ambition with sustaining the most meaningful bonds. That next deal will always be waiting – our loved ones and finite lifetimes may not.

Later in life, as social bonds carry greater meaning, an inability to be emotionally expressive or connect intimately with others leaves many unfulfilled. We learn too late that embracing vulnerability, speaking truths, listening actively, resolving conflicts through dialogue, and honing emotional availability nurture healthier, more rewarding links with spouses, family, friends, and community.

And so it goes… Here’s a better way to make New Year’s resolutions  https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2023/12/28/new-years-resolution…

  • I will make time for fitness to foster focus, confidence, discipline and reduce stress for peak performance
  • Adoptpt a daily self-improvement through reading, courses, etc, keeps your mind sharp and abilities growing
  • Surround myself with supportive people who provide accountability, inspiration, and access to opportunities
  • Optimize the use of time and money eliminates waste and to channel these limited resources into what matters
  • I will build resilience to adversity and empathy for others’ needs enabling me to navigate challenges smoothly.

While the path to my evolution looks different, adopting positive daily practices in critical areas is an insurance policy for realizing my potential. By proactively strengthening my mindset, nurturing relationships, expanding knowledge, safeguarding time and finances, and caring for my body, I put robust structures in place for growth. Compound gains from small, consistent actions pave the way for outsized results across personal and professional domains. I will use these habits as guiding pillars to manifest a higher vision of success.
