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6/3/12 News & Information Service 24/7

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ASSAD SAYS CRISES IS ABOUT TO TO END. Claims Terrorists Monsters Behind Killings In Syria.
Syrian president says: "We are not facing a political problem... sectarian strife and the tool of this is terrorism."

LARGE EGYPTIAN PROTESTS. Demonstrators Demanding Death For Mubarak and Family.
Meanwhile, one candidate says he represents reconciliation, wile the Brotherhood represents revenge.

BREAST CANCER BREAKTHROUGH. Medicine Exclusively Treats Tumor Cells.
This non chemo "Smart Bomb"treatment improves survival. Following years of experiments, 65% of women are living, versus 47% of those in a comparison group given two standard cancer drugs.

WESTERN US BLAZES. Smoke Clouds Could Be Seen From Outer Space.
Over 1000 firefighters are battling New Mexico blaze, which is now the nation's largest wildfire. More than 354 sq. miles of land have been charred.

US SPACE SHUTTLE ENTERPRISE. Getting Closer To New York City Home.
Shuttle is on the water, as it begins barge ride to permanent home at Intrepid museum in NYC.