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A Great Gardener

Submitted by ub on

Being a good leader is like being a great gardener. It is not just measured by the length of time spent that makes them great.

A great gardener tends to have a passion for certain elements of gardening be it design, color schemes, textures, or types of foliage, flowers, or species of plants.

They seem to get excited when you mention something interesting about their garden or something they personally take pride in establishing.

Another thing to get out of the way is the myth of a green thumb. Yes, some people have better dexterity or memory for Latin names of plants. Some can even diagnose problems, such as too much, or too little water, nutrient deficiencies, and infestations of vertebrates and insects without catching the culprit.

These are learned skills, and depending on one's ability to recall names or symptoms, most people can learn them or learn where to look up the answers.

Any person whose hobby or job is growing a garden is called a gardener. If you want homegrown veggies, find a gardener. If you grow professionally, you're called a farmer, but if you design, tend, or care for a flower garden, you're a gardener.

I use the old-fashioned baseball guide: if any fruit or veggie fails three times, it’s out... The same goes for trees, shrubs, or stubborn staff members.

Finally, keep growing, dreaming, and telling your stories, for the world needs to hear them. And when we are too old to get down on our knees to cultivate beds, take a child by their hand into the garden and teach them how to pull the weeds.

This entry is dedicated to my CEO, YIRONG a beautiful woman on her birthday, and Nathan Beverly Stubblefield, a dreamer with integrity. The American inventor is best known for his wireless telephone work. He was self-described as a practical farmer, fruit grower, and electrician.