Submitted by ub on

After all is said and done, body language plays a critical role in communicating and presenting ourselves to the social media world.

I was sad when I read that Americans dropped from the 15th happiest nation on earth to 23rd in the latest World Happiness Report. The worst news was that younger people aged 19-34 were unhappier than older folks. Youth is a time of hope, vitality, possibility, friendship, finding and then feeling love. Let’s learn to express ourselves!

Regardless what our chosen professional fields are or will eventually be, the fact is that public speaking is the key to success. But it does not have to become a daunting task for us. There’s that fear of a screw up, stuttering, or forgetting what we want to say. But don’t let that stop you.

Please know that acing public communication isn’t just about what we say; it’s also about how we say it. And that’s where our body language comes into play.

With the right body language, we can exude confidence and charm that can make our monologue captivating and persuasive. There are body language tricks that can help us do just that!

If we are really ready to ace our next public speaking gig, practice makes prefect.. If we want to be more confident when talking in public, start practicing body language tricks.

But It’s not merely about standing tall or maintaining eye contact, but rather a holistic embodiment of self-assuredness and authenticity.

Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.

Embracing this powerful notion can shift our perspective towards public speaking. Remember, it’s not just about conveying a message; it’s about connecting with our audience on a deeper personal level.

As we embark on this journey, embrace these body language tricks. Let them shape not just our public speaking endeavors, but also how we interact with the world. Here’s to our journey towards becoming a more confident and effective oral communicators.

