Submitted by ub on

Republicans want to impose the Ten Commandments on American schoolchildren but not on felon Don the presumptive candidate.

The purpose of the Establishment Clause is to prevent the government from ordering an official religion or favoring one religion over others.

This constitutional principle, rooted in the First Amendment and extended to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment, ensures religious liberty and prevents governmental interference with religious practices. It prohibits direct governmental support or endorsement of religious institutions or practices, aiming to maintain a separation between church and state in public affairs.

The SCOTUS majority opinion and the dissent used the same phrase to describe the clause, saying that it created a “wall of separation between church and state.”

In 2019, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, writing for himself alone, insisted that “the Lemon test is not good law.” Justice Clarence Thomas said he would overrule the precedent.

Finally, in 2022, they abandoned LemonIn Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, by a 6-3 vote, the justices said the school district was wrong to fire a coach for ignoring orders not to lead midfield prayers after football games. Henceforth, they decreed, that the courts in considering conflicts between the two religious freedom clauses of the First Amendment should use not the Lemon test but “historical practices and understandings.”

Many have attempted to challenge this before, and it has been rejected in the past. It will be rejected again in court. Anyone seeking religion should visit their chosen place of worship and not public schools. hashtag#VoteBlue hashtag#BidenHarris2024

This state is 47th in education, with the second highest rate of gun violence, the nation's fifth poorest state and the Republican leaders choose this to spend time and resources on...

#VOTE BLUE to defend the US Constitution and Democracy.