Submitted by ub on

Party Partisanship is so powerful in American politics that Republicans and Democrats frequently operate with different facts.

Consider the following facts. The word competence is a noun. It refers to the ability to do something, usually at a basic, or acceptable level.

One develops competence when performing at a level equivalent to or better than most peers. Trump does not have competence. Some claim that he never had it, while others affirm that if he did, he lost it. 

It took Joe Biden years to develop competence in politics to the point where constituents re-elected him in the Senate as VP and as President.

After details of the sordid affair, his lies, and multiple acts of defiance came to light, many voters questioned Trump's competence in comporting himself with competence and dignity. Although the Republican never won the popular vote, the Electoral College put him over the top once and one time only because he lacked competence.

Not the criminal defendant, financial fraudster, and rapist is not defending his actions, rather he is showing the whole world that he was never competent to do the job

Donald Trump is the only president to be impeached twice, and so far indicted, found guilty of fraud and rape. He took office after he stunned the nation by beating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a longshot, outsider bid for the presidency.

Experienced Joe Biden took office after handily defeating Trump in the polls and following four years of tumultuous – and often criticized as “racist” – policies from the former president’s administration.

Post Script: Supporters of appeasement ready to turn over portions of another nation or state should carefully study history. The British signed the Munich agreement with Germany calling it peace for our time. It is regarded as an example of appeasing the aggressor, which led to Hitler’s expansion and caused WWIII.

The whole world must learn from competent leadership who are trying to avoid another historical catastrophe, not repeat it.

Try to understand why Republicans are constantly attempting to rewrite history and continue to support banning books.
