We grow up being told never ever judge a book by its cover. But since some are banning and others burning books, eyes have it.
You may not realize it, but the way we move our eyes can say a lot. Some individuals often exhibit a certain level of observational prowess. They are constantly scanning their surroundings, soaking up every detail.
Observant eye movements indicate an active mind, always processing and analyzing information. It’s a clear signal of an individual’s capacity to understand complex situations and think on their feet.
So, next time you’re in a room full of people, look out for those who seem to be observing more than participating. They might just be some of the smartest people in the room.
Some folks seem friendly on the surface but are superficially polite, and they say all the right things. But deep down inside their intentions may be misguided, they may not be as kind as they appear to be.
It is time to recalibrate and realize that not all those who seems be be intelligent or successful is a good human being. Unfortunately, some creeps are skilled at projecting a positive image while effectively hiding their true colors.
We have seen this play out overwhelmingly with classmates, neighbors, workplace colleagues and most importantly politicians.
These deplorable individuals spend too much time gossiping about others, or lying and boasting about how rich they are or about their high level of intelligence, but their actions indicates they are butt-heads that should never be trusted.
Eye contact can be surprisingly difficult to maintain, especially in uncomfortable or intense situations.However, consistent eye contact speaks volumes about one’s self-assuredness and intelligence. It indicates actively listening and engaging. It’s a mark of respect towards the person we are communicating with.
So, if you come across someone who maintains steady eye contact even in the most challenging discussions, they’re likely to be among the more intelligent.
If there is anyone you see or hear not saying anything nice about others, or commenting about someone in a negative or harmful way, it could be a sign that they’re not as nice as they seem on the surface. It’s worth remembering that if they’re willing to talk about others behind their backs, they’re probably willing to do the same about you. Stay as far away as you can. https://blogherald.com/self-development/8-signs-someone-is-actually-not…