Early Learning Skills

Submitted by ub on

Making a tower of blocks is a visual-motor or problem-solving milestone. Most children are capable of two by 21 months young.

Other kids can make a tower of 2 blocks by 15 to 21 months and 4 blocks by 17 to 24 months and 6 blocks by 18 to 30 months.

Same with achievements, it comes in stages and makes one feel dizzy sometimes, also with #leadership. It explains how we all get more excited and encouraged to do more with positive feedback while performing tasks.  

We anticipate a reaction from a boss after achieving a task. After receiving praise, we get an elevated approval that perpetuates the spirit of togetherness working as a team. There is pure joy and satisfaction in achieving all goals.

Then later in our careers, when we become management executives, we become too qualified and experienced with the technical knowledge and digital experience necessary to do the job. Employers do not want to pay the going rate.

We had to hunt for jobs using newspaper leads in the old days. Now with online platforms and links, employers come looking for us.
