How is it that the US Senate is still split 50-50 between the two parties but the 50 Democrats represent more Americans voters?
There are 186 million represented by The Democrats while the 50 Republican senators effectively represent only 145 million.
Register to vote Blue and make everyone in America, including all the big corporations, begin to pay their fair share of taxes. #Register #VOTEBLUE
For over four years a GOP President and the so-called leader of the Republican Party told Tens of thousands of lies to the American public about a series of important issues.
He defended Communist dictators, allowed a million people to die during COVID, and lied about national security issues the economy unemployment, climate change, NATO allies and last but not least the outcome of a fair election. None of it with any proof,
Meanwhile he was stealing taxpayer money and taking gifts from our adversaries and taking top secret document for his own gain.
Who the hell would do this? A foreign agent or a traitor to the USA and We The People over 30 thousand times according to one count.
In a little over a month registered American citizens will be allowed to vote and determine whether or not we want to remain a Constitutional Democracy. It’s simple. Vote Democratic to remain a Nation of Self Rule or vote Republican to slide headlong into totalitarian Fascism.