Submitted by ub on

The former guy is s liar a concrete criminal and a fraud who is running away from a long prison sentence and not to be trusted.

Lacks Character

Working in integrity means that you don't question your character. As the famous saying goes, it's doing the right thing even when no one is looking, especially when the choice isn't easy.

Character means staying true to yourself and your values, even when you're faced with serious consequences for the right choices that you're making--like, perhaps,  losing a job or walking away from a shady partnership or business deal. Is your character willing to take that hit?

When you listen to your heart and make choices aligned with character, you simplify your life and live in peace. Your actions are now open for everyone to see, and you don't have to worry about hiding anything. As Tony Dungy once said, "Integrity -- the choice between what's convenient, and what's right."

Bad Influence

Trust is the foundation of influence. When people don’t trust you, they're less likely to listen to ideas, follow the lead, and support any decisions. That's influence. It also increases credibility. When team members or colleagues believe you are not reliable and honest, they are more inclined to devalue input and direction. They don’t trust that your intentions are aligned with their best interests and the team's goals.

No Competence

That thing we call trust is worth a hill of beans if a leader can't demonstrate knowledge and expertise in his or her particular line of work. Competence builds confidence in voters. And our lack confidence in a leader with incompetence will ultimately deliver rotten #MAGA results.