From Lap to Attack Dogs

Submitted by ub on
Beware Former Guy

The GOP has many breeds of lap dogs or weak people under control requiring maintenance, constant threats, and considerations.

The former guy never took the time to match his personality and lifestyle to avoid future problems. Now his Republican lapdogs who got spoiled with a high-quality diet, are being probed and with an increasing investigation, they all risk arrest and incarceration.

One by one, they are taken for checkups by the January six bipartisan congressional committee and the US Justice Department who continue conducting an extensive investigation into the many allegations made.

Trump is asking a court for "absolute immunity" connected to January six. But that's outrageous--he was violating his oath of office and likely the law, and he can't be allowed to escape accountability. Now Trump’s posse considers shifting blame to his advisors to overturn his election loss to find a few fall guys.

These former lapdogs will evolve into attack dogs and will turn on him by inferred provocation. They have been utilized throughout history and are going to be the key to his rude awakening and demise after years of criminal behavior.

He put his VP’s life in danger because Pence wouldn’t participate in an illegal plot. If any of these lapdogs think they can avoid these lines of questions, they are about to go through a transformation from lap to attack dogs. Is cruelly toward vulnerable Americans becoming the norm in Republican politics?

USA taxpayers have been waiting for years to say you’re fired and Only a real man sucks it up and takes responsibility for his actions. Traits Of Immature Men Who Run From political Responsibility And @GOP Accountability. They deny, delay, destroy - NOW it is about time to say bye-bye to the month of July and so long BiG LIE.

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