Submitted by ub on

I am a dreamer and aromantic who has alway been guided by Venus, the planet of love and inner beauty 

Some say I’m the embodiment of balance and harmony within relationships with a gentle, persuasive charm and a keen sense of justice, while navigating through the nuances of partnership with grace and fairness in the hearts of those I love, always striving to create a partnership defined by mutual respect and understanding.

I’m direct and straightforward at heart, drawn to the benefits of health that life and companionship offers. I cherish equality, often putting considerable effort into ensuring relationships are balanced and that every voice is heard. This pursuit of fairness makes me a thoughtful partner, always keen to address and resolve conflicts through open dialogue and compromise. 

My desire to maintain harmony can be both a strength and a vulnerability, reflecting a deep commitment to our relationship’s health over individual gain. I offer love is our dance of give-and-take, a harmonious blend of intellect and emotion that seeks to beautify and stabilize our bonds. Yet, my aversion to conflict and deep-seated need for approval may lead to indecisiveness in a quest for balance, may find myself weighing options endlessly, seeking a perfect solution that avoids rocking the boat. .

Do you prefer candy hearts, red roses, words of endearment and admiration, or all of the above for this year's Valentines' Day?

You see, our relationship is getting serious I am courting on you. And I am committed. 

And let me tell you: It is fickle as folks are changing frequently, especially as regards loyalties, interests, or affection. Especially this year!

Bad actors are constantly trying to get in the way of our pursuit of the truth, between AI manipulation, shoddy data, twisted words, and out-of-context information. 

Gimme Some Truth (Ultimate Mix)
