A saying somebody says when you or they are shocked or also another word for oh my gosh. JEEZE LOUISE 🤷🏻♀️
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider to be God-fearing and pious.
At least as early as the late 1900s, English speakers started inserting words into their speech that sounded like a blasphemous cuss word that “took the lord’s name in vein,” but skirted it by rhyming or sounding similar to the forbidden profanity. For example: “Oh my goodness” or “Jeepers creepers!” In some parts of the U.S. “cheese!” was used in this manner, which evolved into “geez.” In the 1930s, when rhyming slang became briefly popular, somebody paired “geez” with “Louise” and that relic of the era lived on as an expression of exasperation.
“Geez Louise” is an American slang term that expresses surprise, dismay, or exasperation. It is a minced oath that means “Jesus, Louise!” .
The phrase has been linked to the movie Thelma & Louise, but may also predate the movie. In the film, Thelma actually uses this phrase to address Louise.
The phrase may have originated in the 1930s as part of a trend of rhyming slang. English speakers at the time would insert words into their speech that sounded like a blasphemous cuss word but skirted it by rhyming or sounding similar to the forbidden profanity. For example, “Oh my goodness” or “Jeepers creepers!” . In some parts of the U.S., “cheese!” was used in this manner, which evolved into “geez”.
“Geez” is a common variant, but “jeez” is considered the standard spelling. Both are informal expressions used to express surprise, frustration, or annoyance.