Submitted by ub on

No matter how we're feeling, let's propose a toast. If we have been half successful, we are much better off than most.

If I was selling fantasies, I'd be a billionaire, but I am not disillusioned and I will never be going there.

When people ask me questions about the way I have lived my life. 39 years in media with a couple of good wives. A fine family with grandchildren, fancy limousines,  jacuzzis, and pools where I have had time to spare. I am not downhearted and I'm never going there.

Did you ever get the feeling you've been taken for a ride? The big ones eat the little ones and there's no place to hide.

Don't let them tell you not to drink the water or breathe the air and never get discouraged because we're not going there.

Always accept yourself just the way you are.
