Submitted by ub on

The term Glomar response refers to any requests for comment, data, or information that will neither be confirmed nor denied.

The existence of the information sought…may be in response to a request relating to a certain fascist party trying to burn it all down by destroying democracy. Republicans may respond with the following: "We can neither confirm nor deny that we have any records matching the destruction of The US Constitution 

The following is my open message to Republicans in Congress - if you insist that Social Security is an entitlement, then do something for a change and return all the funds American workers and taxpayers paid over the past years, with interest and immediately.

Glomar responses are commonly associated with the United States Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which generally dictates how federal agencies must disclose information. The term "Glomar" originated in association with the FOIA law. Lower courts have thus far ruled the Glomar response to have potential merit if the secretive nature of the material truly requires it, and only if the agency provides "as much information as possible" to justify its claim. Otherwise, the principles established in FOIA may outweigh claims to secrecy.

The phrase itself, "neither confirm nor deny", has long appeared frequently in news reports, as an alternative to a "no comment" response when the respondent does not wish to answer. 

‘The GOP may cease to be. Republicans are a dysfunctional slim majority in the House threatening the financial reputation and security of the USA. This repeated willingness to put a gun to the head of the American economy combined with a similar approach on immigration and border security, combined with the same approach on military aid to allies, combined with its attacks on reproductive rights across the board should doom far right politicians across America. After SCOTUS sanctioned gerrymandering and unlimited political contributions it made far to many seats safe from voters removing the offenders. Throw the bums out, and replace them with politicians willing to work for American voters and the good of the nation.

Menwhile the fascist MAGA vultures are circling Donald At lest 40 percent of Republicans want ANYBODY BUT criminal defendant He is\ in serious trouble. He’s not in danger of losing any of these states. Nor will he lose Super Tuesday. But he only got about 50 percent of the vote in Iowa. Then in New Hampshire, South Carolina has voted, and Trump only got about 60% of the vote. That’s really ugly for someone who’s practically running as an incumbent.

Worse for Trump, about one-fourth of Republican primary voters are saying they won’t vote for Trump in the general election if he’s the nominee. It’s bad enough that some of that 25 percent will stay home. It’s even worse for Trump when you factor in that some of that 25 percent will cross party lines and vote for Biden just to stop Trump. So much for the media narrative that Republican voters were all going to fall in line behind Trump once it became clear that he was in line for the nomination. It’s just not going to happen. He’s a loser and nobody likes a loser.

As his first of multiple trials is scheduled to begin in a couple of weeks, His worsening senility is by far the biggest story in politics, and it’s finally getting a decent amount of voter attention. Also his criminal trials are the second biggest story in politics, and while large chunks of the media are still pretending those trials will somehow never happen, that’ll change once the trials start.

