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The key to happiness? China's youth turn to saving as a lifestyle and a financial path to their complete contentment.

A recent survey revealed that among China's young people, the higher their ability to save money, the higher their life satisfaction.

The 2023 Young People's Savings Report revealed that young people who rate their ability to save money at 0 out of 10 have an average life satisfaction score of only 4.34. In contrast, those who rate their money-saving ability at 10 out of 10 have an average life satisfaction score of 7.1 (check the comments for the full graph.)

The more confident one is in their ability to save money, the higher their satisfaction with life tends to be. This is the true perspective on saving money for contemporary young people, as it's not about compromising on limited material comforts, but rather reclaiming control over life from consumerism.

The Stars of Crazy Rich Asians Are Done with Being Overlooked

“We have been led to believe that this is our lot in life . . . for Asians to work with what we have,” said co-star Nico Santos at the film’s premiere. “And it’s simply not true. We are choosing not to remain quiet. We can have the whole damn pie.”…

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