Submitted by ub on

Calling all shoppers. Today is small business Saturday and the place to run to is Ron Terner's Focal Point Gallery,

This is a special holiday in which it is encouraged for patrons to shop at smaller shops and businesses in their neighborhoods.

Small Business Saturday is a marketing initiative created and promoted by American Express to encourage holiday shopping on the Saturday after Thanksgiving in the United States, during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. 

This Saturday is always the last one in November, so it falls between November 24 and November 30

El Sábado del Pequeño Comercio es una gran oportunidad para que los estadounidenses se reúnan para comprar, cenar, disfrutar y apoyar a las pequeñas empresas que son la fortaleza económica de Estados Unidos y la piedra angular de las comunidades en toda nuestra región y esta nación.

This City Island Gallerist and Artist has been making a living locally for nearly half a century and still going strong. He is the original and still the greatest.