Submitted by ub on

A report reveals that in China they may have just reinvented the new toilet bowl, and it’s about time because it was a stretch.

When I traveled throughout China, I found these difficult-to-use commode toilets that reminded me of an outhouse. This is one of the clean ones that provide rolls because no job is complete until the paperwork is done. 

According to published reports, researchers at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, have created a new type of ultra-slippery toilet bowl, making it impossible for anything to stick to it.

This new toilet bowl design maybe and eventually replace porcelain and ceramic toilet bowls if they scaled it up.…

And then there is TOTO, the latest wonder of the world. No need for toilet paper and the hands never get dirty. the self-cleaning toilet seat. The Japanese perfected this one years ago and boy was it necessary because they too were once requiring the squatting position. Trust me, I learned this firsthand.

This is a bidet and a toilet seat combined. The manufacturer points out that when you have a strong, dependable toilet you can count on it makes a big difference in your day-to-day life. However, when your toilet turns on you and starts clogging up, is dirty and marked, or starts to leak, your bathroom turns into a cringe-worthy nightmare.

If you’re looking to replace the old throne in your guest bathroom, you need to find a new toilet that welcomes your guests with an open bowl. There should be no stress when it comes to the all-important flush, especially for visitors who would rather not have to ask where the plunger is.

Flushing power, cleanliness, water efficiency, and style are all the different components of a memorable bathroom visit.

By the way, bees never poop inside the hive. They go on cleaning flights and make all of us unwitting crap targets.
