Submitted by ub on

An hourly fee can be $43 and the moral case for working fewer hours each week is because it allows us to be much better human beings.

Back in the black-and-white days of American television, a man branded himself as Have Gun Will Travel. A day without armor in a savage land.
Paladin- was one of my childhood heroes.  I still get the chills listening to the theme song.  It was with these programs that I learned to speak English. Richard Boone was cool 😎 as a cucumber. Some say what made this series a cut above the average Western was Paladin. An educated gentleman and cultured knight-errant who would be hired for righteous causes. Dick Boone was wonderful when he spoke in that stentorian voice, and I couldn't help but hang on to every word. Think Sean Connery as James Bond, and Basil Rathbone in Sherlock Holmes, Richard Boone best portrayed Paladin.

However beforehand and for much of human history, the more wealth individuals accumulated, the less time they spent working. But in the past five decades, a strange trend has occurred: Despite gains in wealth and productivity, many university-educated individuals have worked more hours than ever before. Instead of trading wealth for leisure, professionals began to trade leisure for more work.

Let’s use our brain not our brawn - So to all those 40+ hour laborers - No way José ... Can you see and hear me now? Take it slow!

