Does the Republican Party have any chance of winning with their losing #GOP political ticket of D Trump and JD Vance?
These two guys lack integrity and doesn’t everyone need to be able to trust their public servants? People who lack integrity are a problem, especially those who don’t appreciate others.
When anyone keeps saying I did this all the time, and they’re not giving credit to their team, it’s time to run away. It’s unethical, and it gives off the impression that you don’t respect your colleagues.
Maybe they’re unable to see how much value the people around them bring to their success and the inability to appreciate other people’s contributions is a huge red flag for me ... It’s anti-collaborative.
They’re difficult to have around. Nearly every group needs people who can work well with others. That’s difficult when your colleagues don’t like being around you, or vice versa. If I don’t want to be in their presence, then no one wants to be in their presence. A warm, inviting personality can take you farther in your career than your capabilities and credentials.
Personality will get you 10 times richer than your intelligence. I learned that throughout my career, slowly but surely. I worked with a lot of smart people, no doubt about it. But those smartest people in the office weren’t necessarily the ones getting the raises and promotions.
They don’t keep their promises. The three-word mantra: humble, hungry, intelligent. We all have an appetite for success, however, humility drives us to make decisions for the greater good and value emotional intelligence because we know that builds strong relationships.
We had been stagnant for years and Americans refuse to go back. But when we make that decision and our mission is larger than just what we do, bricks and mortar, but make it more about the betterment of mankind, is when we start changing.
The meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away.