Terrified Trump

Submitted by ub on

The former guy has consistently lied to American voters and is now living in a state of paranoia for the next legal blow to arrive. 

This time none of his supporters or his lawyers may be able to put Humpty Trumpty back together again and he has only himself and his big fat mouth and fatter ego to blame. These are self-inflicted wounds.

The top secret documents seized by the FBI at Mar-a-Lago may also incriminate him in the New York fraud case, as Attorney General Trish James indicates, he also hid subpoenaed documents there as well.

Trump’s ‘Special Master’ Delay Is Backfiring

For years, Donald Trump has managed to tie up lawsuits and investigations by delaying cases and hiding behind the Oval Office desk. His latest ploy is failing miserably. https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-special-master-delay-is-alr…

SmackDown GOP Mind-Declassification Claim


Trump Trouble: Legal landmines
