Submitted by ub on

The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee has chosen two Un Candidates. They are a GOP perfect pair, Unqualified. And Unfit.

Just like the comedy film Dumb and Dumber, we present fictional and speculative narratives about a hypothetical scenario following Trump's attempted assassination, with a commentary on the political and media response to being allegedly shot by a Republican.

This reflects a critical perspective on Trump, The GOP, and the broader political landscape in the United States of America.

Remember when Vance referred to Trump as Hitler. J.D. Vance once compared Trump to Hitler. Now they are running mates


Here are some key points:

  1. Message: Trump is targeted by a shooter described as a "MAGA kid" in a world influenced by Trump's rhetoric and policies.

  2. Commentary: Criticism of Trump's leadership style, his MAGA world, and the perceived lack of responsibility or consequences for his actions.

  3. Media mistakes: The media coverage and some political responses to Trump, highlight perceived biases and failures to address underlying issues.

  4. Context: Historical incidents of violence in American politics, particularly involving presidents, to underscore a point about the country's turbulent political history

  5. Call to Action: We suggest a response from President Biden in a hypothetical reversal of roles, questioning the handling of security and motives behind the attempted assassination.

This political commentary with speculative fiction is meant to provoke thought about current political dynamics and societal issues in the United States.

https://youtu.be/7MPlfwnDjBs?si=jbQ-kLBC84iqN_IZ  Many questions yet roberto answered

By the way, just in case you say he’s got issues, remember that Trump ended the rule to block the mentally ill from getting guns. The action was one of his earliest as president. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-ended-rule-block-mentally-ill-gun…

Then there is the last straw… UnConstitutional is what Judge Cannon has ruled on the top secret documents case. Her handling of the case has drawn scrutiny since before the charges were even filed.

Her 93-page order: “The Framers gave Congress a pivotal role in the appointment of principal and inferior officers. That role cannot be usurped by the Executive Branch or diffused elsewhere — whether in this case or in another case, whether in times of heightened national need or not.”

Smith’s team had vigorously contested the argument during hearings before Cannon last month and told Cannon that even if ruled in the defense team’s favor, the proper correction would not be to dismiss the federal case.